Cheer up, the worst is yet to come. ~ P. Johnson
Like last month, this thread will be pinned as soon as a mod has time to do so. Please feel free to vote already =) If you've been nominated in November, please put your pet up in the November 2007 Potm Nominations threads which can be found here. As we're already half way the month with hardly any nominations, please do feel free to post some photos of your pets and give them a chance to become pet of the month. Of course we need all of you to nominate the pets you feel deserve it as well. Don't forget to add them to above mentioned thread to save us a lot of work =)
Good luck to all the pets and owners!
This thread will close at 0:01 GMT on Tuesday the 27th of November. Votes made after this time will not count towards the final vote count
Poppy - shaz3271:
Buckwheat - lljdma06:
Phoebe - monica:
Lurcher - Heather.:
Molly - !Gina:
Diamond - Britesprite:
Diesel - kaisa:
Good luck to all the pets and owners!
This thread will close at 0:01 GMT on Tuesday the 27th of November. Votes made after this time will not count towards the final vote count
Poppy - shaz3271:
Buckwheat - lljdma06:
Phoebe - monica:
Lurcher - Heather.:
Molly - !Gina:
Diamond - Britesprite:
Diesel - kaisa: