OceanSun 10,000k Bulbs


New Member
Jul 13, 2004
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So I was wondering if these would be strong enough to be used to start a Reef/Fish tank?

I dont have any corals but right now I have two anenomes: Peach Sabae or something along that name, and a Purple tentacle one with Purple tips.. lol

anywho, I was wondering if these would be satisfactory until I can afford to get mh lighting?


feel free to IM or email me whenever.
humm how long would it take to get mh lighting, ask your lfs if they will hold on to them until you get your light. (thats what im gunna do, or trade them in for some lr but you know, not counting my eggs before they hatch, or in this case before they get here from ebay... :lol: )
Im not sure of the brandname here but i assume its a tube rather than a bulb?
If its a bulb then what type of bulb?

The 10K is fine but how many watts is it? this is important also. Its not muchg use if you only have 30w @ 10K when halides make 150w - 400w @ 10K

If you cannot come close to this then i really recomend that you wait a little longer until you can afford better lights. I know people that have been successful with less powerful lights but thiws doesnt mean its the normal scenario im afraid :(
I had a 10k bulb from OceanSun and they are good, but for fish only tbh, they are only around 30W mark. So a definite no for corals. You need at least 150 to keep corals in i'm afraid. even anenomes need better lighting than that ;)

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