Ocean Rock + Live Rock


Fish Herder
Aug 1, 2012
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Will Ocean Rock (which is a chalky white colour) eventually get the same colour as Live Rock (browny colour) as i have a large 5kg piece along with 6kg of Live Rock being delivered for my 18 gallon nano.

Or shall i take it out? will it look out of place?
i personally wouldnt see the point in having base rock in a tank that small, i only see the point of using base rock if youve got a large tank around 4 foot and cant afford the 40-50kg of live rock there going to need

other people may disagree though
I didnt ask that ;)

I already bought it because my LFS tried to tell me i dont need LR and only Ocean rock and live sand,however i dont like wasting money so i want to use it..but not if its out of place and will make the tank look ugly.
It wont happen over night but eventually it will all end up looking the same. Give it 6-12 months and hopefully it will all be covered in coraline algae anyway :)

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