Ocean Rock In Tropical


New Member
Dec 18, 2009
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Hey. I was just wondering if it is possible to put ocean rock (the white stuff) into a tropical fish tank. I have heard people say no it affects the PH and others say its fine esp if you boil it and oven dry it??
It only affects water if you ion a soft water area, as this will slowly dissolve and turn the water slightly harder.

I use it all the time in freshwater and never had a problem.
If it has been used in a saltwater tank or is straight from the ocean you should probably rinse and clean them very well.
It will buffer your water to 6.8, it won't raise it above that. If your water is already above that, don't worry.
It will buffer your water to 6.8, it won't raise it above that. If your water is already above that, don't worry.
I have a freshwater test kit and my PH tests are as follows:
PH - 7.8
High PH - 8
It will buffer your water to 6.8, it won't raise it above that. If your water is already above that, don't worry.
I have a freshwater test kit and my PH tests are as follows:
PH - 7.8
High PH - 8
Your pH and High pH are the same thing a high pH tester is just an extension of the pH scale as you cannot read it all on one test. 6.0-7.6 pH has to be tested on the regular pH test 7.4-8.8 on the high pH. It shouldn't change your numbers
If your PH is that high, Ocean rock won't do a thing. Use it.
No, if you have high ph it just means it won't suit all fish. Softwater fish will not enjoy your natural water parameters and you would need to adjust it for them (never fun imo). Fish such as discus, various L no's and others I can't name off the top of my head. Cichlids prefer hard water as do a number of other fish. The rock, assuming it isn't coated in salt and hasn't just come from the ocean or a marine environment will be fine in fresh water but you could clean it thoroughly beforehand just to be safe.

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