Occelatus aren't using their shells!


Fish Herder
Dec 14, 2003
Reaction score
Central Connecticut
Hey fishy peeps... okay here's the background info:
12 gallon eclipse
sand substrate
perfect water
20 bucks worth of African turban shells
and five baby Neolamprologus occelatus goldens...

now the problem--they were released today into their new playground....complete with shells and sand and everything a little occelatus could dream of...yet, they have not gone in their shells. They have dug out little pits in the sand and at one point one buried himself totally in the sand, but why havent they gone into their shells at all?
The mouths are certainly large enough for even two occelatus to enter--so what's up with these little guys?
I've never had occelatus before and any help, info is welcome!

Oh NO! I stumped Thecichlidaddict...I'm Dooomed, I tells ya, doooooomed!

I woke up this morning.... they are still in their sand pits.....sigh....
maybe the shells aren't the right kind? I picked shells that are native to Lake Tanganyika (I think) Turban shells?
Should I move the shells around a little? :blink:
h NO! I stumped Thecichlidaddict...I'm Dooomed, I tells ya, doooooomed!

Your shells are African, but I don't think they are from Tanganyika. The shells native to Tanganyika are Neothauma. However this shouldn't matter - I've used various types of shells without a problem including Apple snail and Escargot. I would just give it some time before worrying too much about it.

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