Obsessive Cleaning


Fish Crazy
Aug 14, 2005
Reaction score
Northwest England.
I know cats clean them selves alot but lately he is always at it, he is always cleaning round his bits a pieces (you know what i mean) so much infact that he is losing fur and is nearly bare skin. we have had him for over 2 yrs now so ive learnt his behaviour and i know this is not normal for him, any suggestions?

Here he his in his pose :lol:

The best i could say is take your cat to the vet, my grandmothers cat had was doing the same thing and needed medication, it was some kind of skin disorer that was causing her to literaly lick her skin off :crazy:. The sores were nasty but it all cleared up in time!
This is something to be concerned enough about to take him to the vet - ASAP. He might have a UTI or other similar problem which could have serious consequences. Rather safe than sorry.
hi there

i am a VN and i also did a course in feline behavior (hope that does not sound like showing off).
IMHO i reckon you should get the cat to the vets, make sure he has no medical probs and that you are up to date with flea and worm treatment (from the vet, not petshop/supermarket), also get the vet to empty his anal glands and if a clean bill of health is given and your baby has no fleas it may be time to employ a feline behaviourist to get to the bottom of his obsessive licking!

good luck!
Check his anus to see if its red and inflamed or large, he might need worming.

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