O_o Really A Betta?


Fish Fanatic
Oct 17, 2005
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Is this really a female (it has an ovipositer spot, but yeah, its still quite a long fin)!? Is it even a betta?! I've never seen a tail like it.


excuse the bad quality photo, she was moving around and it was taken with a camera phone, but it does give the general shape. it does lack to show, however, that the tail seems to be symmetrical, It has branching rays, only once, and all of its fins are very pointy (and quite pretty, if i do say so myself ;) )

heck, even if this is just a plain ol' vt.... shes so pretty, shes still gunna be one of a kind to me lol

so what do you think this is? just a different tail on a regular old vt, or is this common and im just clueless ;)

thanks a bunch.

oh... do you think putting her in my sorority tank would be a bad thing with longer fins? they might think shes a male or something..? :dunno: or be nipped at more?

For the night she's going to be in a small temp container (though definately bigger than the petsmart thing she's in now... :crazy: ) so yeah... responses tonight would be lovely!

oh, i also got a male that looks a little different like her, too. His fins are VT like in that they arent symmetrical, but theyre so smooth and pointed! :wub:

theyre so adorable. but yeah, anybody know why these guys are so different? why does the female have such a pointed fin?

:huh: Funny, I got one too. She was sent to me as a mate for a crowntail. Sure doesn't look like one to me. More of a spade tail I would think. She arrived in bad shape but is coming around now. She's quite big.

She really reminds me of some of the wild type females... I dunno, she has a really pointy body (judging by the pic) whereas all my females... aren't pointy. :unsure: I don't have a clue :unsure:
yeah the best betta has some they are what i think to be true veiltail female as TBB has said maybe are common short tailed bettas are a cross of some thing else
I agree with Oohf, Her body shape is different to most females.

Possibly a hybrid between wild and domestic?

You can see the comparsion between my combtail female and her. She's huge but fairly docile when put in with my females. I've got 7 female bettas, 2 female plakats, 3 ottos and 1 golden wonder killie in that tank and the only problem is the killie that someone dumped on me.
Yeah, i looked at bestbetta, and she looks kinda like one down the page listed as "true VT" but the difference is that her tail is symmetrical, that one is noticably not...

unfortunately i put her in the sorority tank, and overnight her fins got a tad shredded :( not too bad, but still... i hope they heal back to be that lovely agin.

and yes, her body IS very narrow and long, she looks nothing like my other bettas. shes also horribly friendly (shes the first who i havent seen flare at another female when first put in the sorority... im a bit afraid that she might get picked on, so i guess ill have to keep an eye on her.) so I'm wondering if i should possibly take her out and get her her own little tank, however i think im going to wait a few days and see how things are. Perhaps the worst has past? ... with my little devil Skye, its bound to get worse, but i may as well give it a shot since i dont have a free tank right now :S
I did a Google Image search, and she could be wild/wild hybrid. I couldn't find much of an index of wilds, I'll look on the IAA (or whatever it is) later.

EDIT- Have a looky here, see what you think. http://www.internat-anabanassoc.org/Species_ID.htm

I like the intresting looking 2 near the bottem of the list. the ones that looks like there fins go all around the there body. the first one I like ALOT
some of those guys' fins look very much like hers... i'd have to say if anything she's a hybrid because while she does have a slender body, hers doesnt QUITE match up.

so I guess its a mystery?
She is very docile. She wasn't when I had her near the male but when she was put in with the other females she changed. She does follow one around quite a bit, but nothing happens.

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