O No! What Are They Doing!?!?!


New Member
Apr 6, 2008
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So i had seperated 2 female danio's into a tank with marbles too breed them. they had been alone for two days and was going to put the men in in a couple days.
I fed them and came back to check on them after there feeding and i noticed one of them was attacking the gap in between the marbles like crazy. It got stuck and in trying to free it i accidently trapped the other one ) :
After they both got free neither were that friendly but the one that originally attacked the marbles went back attacking.
So i put them back in their regular tank sense i was afraid this bad habit would continue.

Does anyone have any explanation for this????
I hope they will be ok but i dont know. One of the two i noticed just went to the corner of the tank and just sat there.

So if i cant breed them in a seperate tank using marbles, what is a good way to breed them in the tank they are in now (20 gallon)

sorry if i ranted or sound crazy, any help would be nice

thank you so much
Very strange
However moving Danio's to a new tank is a trick for spawning, i would of moved both males and females to the breeding tank at the same tank.

I thinking that they may of shed a few eggs and they was trying to eat them.
I dont know but that would make sense of their strange behavior.
I find Java moss in the tank with the Danios does the trick. Just vacuum over the moss when you do your water change and put the water into another tank. I'm over run with fry.
I've some of the plates from undergravel filters in my tank with java moss ontop to assist the fry when they first hatch, then as they get a bit bigger they can swim out, adults can't get in.

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