Nutritional value difference between frozen brine shrimp and frozen blood worms???

Magnum Man

Supporting Member
Tank of the Month 🏆
Fish of the Month 🌟
Jun 21, 2023
Reaction score
Southern MN
I’ve been mixing up cocktails in a shaker of a variety of frozen cubes as I can find them, of course only as a part of a varied diet… but I’m discovering some tanks have favorites, depending on residence… so lately I’ve been mixing a couple shakers rather than mixing them up in the same shaker, so I can vary the content, by tank, rather than having the same mix for everyone… right now, I’m mostly finding brine shrimp, and blood worms consistently, everyone will eat both, but I’m wondering if there is specifically something the brine shrimp offers nutritionally, that is not in the blood worms… or if the tanks that prefer one or the other are fine getting their favorite… again only as a part of a varied diet so there should be plenty of nutrition in the other components of their diet…
Brineshrimp can be more nutritional if they have been fed on algae before they are frozen. They are cleaner than bloodworms due to being kept in saltwater but they are usually found alone in clean saltwater (no birds or fish).

Bloodworms have hard heads that can't be digested and can cause blockages in some fish's intestines. These guys are found on the bottom of waterways and can occur in any fresh waterway, including sewerage ponds where they are sometimes collected from. Some companies irradiated them and others don't. the irradiated bloodworms are much safer to use and handle.

Most fish will eat either but bloodworms smell better to them. Both can be used as part of a varied diet for most fish except Tropheus and other vegetarian cichlids.
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Brine Shrimp:
Protein: High in protein, making it a good source of energy for fish.
Fat: Low in fat, making it a healthier option for fish prone to obesity.
Other Nutrients: Contains essential fatty acids and minerals. calcium, sodium, potassium, and magnesium

Protein: Also high in protein, but not as concentrated as brine shrimp.
Fat: Higher in fat than brine shrimp, making them a good option for fish needing extra energy.
Other Nutrients: Rich in iron, copper, zinc and other minerals.

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