Nutrient help.


Jun 30, 2004
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I have some problems in my planted tank which i need help with, if possible.

I have DIY CO2 which has been going for just under 2 weeks.( i dont know if it is actually working though).
I do not know what my current nitrate level is since i need to get a new test kit but i have a multi test strip thing which says it is around 20ppm.(i should be getting a new nitrate test kit tomorrow hopefully)

Plant- Hygro polysperma
Problem is that it has poor upwards growth and its new leaves are small and very weak with poor colour in and in the newer leaves they have brown/black spots.

Plant-Crypt wenditii
Problem is that it has yellower newer leaves than dark green old leaves and it has brow/black edges around some of the older leaves.

Camboa(i think)
No such problems just very fast growth, its grown upto 10cm in the last 3-4weeks.

Algea problem- i have long thread algea growing on the
the polysperma and the camboa but not lots.

Could someone give me advice on what nutrients are lacking and which type of fertilser to use if possible to solve nutient deficieny and which nutrients are high?

Any info/advice would greatly appreciated as im still new at plants.

Many thanks
I have 61watts in total with reflectors.

pH - its either 6.8 or 7.2. Using the aqurium pharmaceuticalstest kit i got 7.2
but using my test strip one i got 6.8 to 7.2 its quit hard to see the difference.

KH- i think this is 6 looking at my test strip result.

I dont have a co2 ph kh table so i dont know the CO2 level.(if there is any Co2 at all in my tank)
Here's a table.

I recommend the Nutrafin Low-Range (pH 6.0 to 7.6) pH test kit. It's cheap at £5 and does 225 tests. I find it very accurate and easy to use. Nutrafin do a GH/KH kit too which is accurate.

I wouldn't add any liquid ferts yet until most of your plants are showing good growth signs. Most nutrients required are found in fish food/waste and tap water. The only exception to this is to have a nutrient-rich substrate i.e. root tabs or laterite. These will help any root-feeders i.e. Amazon Swords, Crypts etc.

I recommend the Nutrafin Low-Range (pH 6.0 to 7.6) pH test kit. It's cheap at £5 and does 225 tests. I find it very accurate and easy to use. Nutrafin do a GH/KH kit too which is accurate.

You have suggested this to me before but i can not find the GH/KH round here.

Also what make of nitrAte test kit do you use?

Ok i will wait and see if i get any better growth but how can they grow properly and well if there is a lack of nutrients?

According to that table i have good levels of CO2 if my KH is 6 and my pH is 7.2
Cheers for the link. I'll order the low range pH and GH/KH test kit today.
I brought a new nitrAte test kit and can now tell you that my nitrAtes are 5ppm. :)
gf225 said:
I wouldn't add any liquid ferts yet until most of your plants are showing good growth signs. Most nutrients required are found in fish food/waste and tap water. The only exception to this is to have a nutrient-rich substrate i.e. root tabs or laterite. These will help any root-feeders i.e. Amazon Swords, Crypts etc.
I don't get it. So you're not supposed to add liquid ferts when the plants are suffering?
Adding liquid fertilisers is only necessary if one has lots of healthy plant growth already, normally associated with plenty of light and CO2 addition. IMO liquid ferts are commonly over used in the hobby causing more algae growth than plant growth. Often people assume that adding more ferts will aid growth when the cause of poor growth is probably due to insufficient light/nutrient-rich substrate/CO2.

To answer your question; if your plants are "suffering" and you have sufficient light, nutrient-rich substrate and CO2 then liquid ferts can be used.

Ive decided not to buy the pH and the GH/KH test kits partly because i cant really afford it at the mo and i dont really need another pH kit anyway. With the amount of CO2 bubbles my DIY co2 makes i dont think there is a risk at all of it getting to dangerous levels lol.

As im starting 2 weeks work experience at one of my LFS tomorrow i will see if they do GH/KH testing there but i doubt they do.

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