I have some problems in my planted tank which i need help with, if possible.
I have DIY CO2 which has been going for just under 2 weeks.( i dont know if it is actually working though).
I do not know what my current nitrate level is since i need to get a new test kit but i have a multi test strip thing which says it is around 20ppm.(i should be getting a new nitrate test kit tomorrow hopefully)
Plant- Hygro polysperma
Problem is that it has poor upwards growth and its new leaves are small and very weak with poor colour in and in the newer leaves they have brown/black spots.
Plant-Crypt wenditii
Problem is that it has yellower newer leaves than dark green old leaves and it has brow/black edges around some of the older leaves.
Camboa(i think)
No such problems just very fast growth, its grown upto 10cm in the last 3-4weeks.
Algea problem- i have long thread algea growing on the
the polysperma and the camboa but not lots.
Could someone give me advice on what nutrients are lacking and which type of fertilser to use if possible to solve nutient deficieny and which nutrients are high?
Any info/advice would greatly appreciated as im still new at plants.
Many thanks
I have DIY CO2 which has been going for just under 2 weeks.( i dont know if it is actually working though).
I do not know what my current nitrate level is since i need to get a new test kit but i have a multi test strip thing which says it is around 20ppm.(i should be getting a new nitrate test kit tomorrow hopefully)
Plant- Hygro polysperma
Problem is that it has poor upwards growth and its new leaves are small and very weak with poor colour in and in the newer leaves they have brown/black spots.
Plant-Crypt wenditii
Problem is that it has yellower newer leaves than dark green old leaves and it has brow/black edges around some of the older leaves.
Camboa(i think)
No such problems just very fast growth, its grown upto 10cm in the last 3-4weeks.
Algea problem- i have long thread algea growing on the
the polysperma and the camboa but not lots.
Could someone give me advice on what nutrients are lacking and which type of fertilser to use if possible to solve nutient deficieny and which nutrients are high?
Any info/advice would greatly appreciated as im still new at plants.
Many thanks