Nutrafin Co2


Feb 6, 2004
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When i bought the unit i was advised to use an airstone at night to keep the oxygen levels up but i didnt really think their would be enough co2 generated to create a problem but the last couple of days my fish have been gasping a bit, especially in the morning, ive put an airstone in their today and they seem a little better, has anyone else had this problem? will the airstone at night have a detrimental effect on the plants?

Oh i dont think theres any other reason while the fish for the rapid breathing/gasping the ammonia nitrite is 0 and nitrate is 10-20ppm
Adding CO2 does not reduce the Oxygen content of the water, so if they had enough O2 before, they do now. What adding CO2 can do is lower your pH, depending on the buffering potential of your water, this may or may not happen, you might want to check that.

It is true that when dark, plants also use Oxygen, but the amounts are not generally significant unless you are very heavily stocked. Having an airstone running will practically negate any benefit you would get from CO2 injection as the CO2 will come out of solution before your plants can use it.

I never turn my CO2 off, and have no airstones.

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