make sure the valve is on the right way yea. not sure which way that is, but make sure its correct. I dont kno the qualiy of those hagen bottles... but if it is the valves problem, pressure might make it burst!!!
um. bicarbs dont really add more effect to the bubbling, but it makes the mixture last longer.
so check the valve, check the tubing, and check that u have the lid of the mixture bottle on tight (never owned a Hagen kit, just did DYI, but its all pretty much the same), and if all checks out ok then try warming up the mixture. In Georges guide it tells u about the best room temperature. If the temp checks out ok too then you will have to redo a mix i think.
btw, I would HIGHLY, and by HIGHLY i mean EXTREMELY HIGHLY recommend a pressurised CO2 system if you have some money in ur pocket. They are Very stable, and are much easier to set up.