Number Of Fish - ?


New Member
Dec 14, 2006
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I've gotten a lot of opinions on how many fish can go in an there any general rule?

For me specifically I have a 75g salt with 2 Emperor 400's, a protein skimmer, 4 penguin 1130's (300 gph each). That gives a total of about 2200 gph. I only have 5 pieces of live rock right now, but plan on beefing that up pretty soon. I plan on making it a full reef tank with inverts and all.

So, how many fish?
I've gotten a lot of opinions on how many fish can go in an there any general rule?

For me specifically I have a 75g salt with 2 Emperor 400's, a protein skimmer, 4 penguin 1130's (300 gph each). That gives a total of about 2200 gph. I only have 5 pieces of live rock right now, but plan on beefing that up pretty soon. I plan on making it a full reef tank with inverts and all.

So, how many fish?

You'll need 75lbs of live rock to successfully support your tank, but once you have that, the number of fish largely depends on alot of different things.

Rule of thumb says 1" to 3-5g of water, but even that is very vague. My LFS, who are very knowledgable, told me around 6-7 small ish (3" type size) fish for my 40 ukg. So, thats a basic idea... but it really depends on fish you want to keep... do you have anything in mind? You might be better to post what you'd like to keep and someone will let you know if your system can support it. :good:

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