Number of fish in a 10 Gallon tank


New Member
Jun 19, 2004
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Sacramento, Ca
I have had my tank set up for 6 weeks now with one fish and i wanted to add more fish But i have a 2 questions?
What is the max number of fish I can have in a ten gallon tank?
How many fish should I add at one time?
How large and what type is your current fish? At most you could do a dozen of the smaller fish and of course one of a bigger fish though nothing too large. 10 gallons doesn't allow for much room. I would say do no more than 3 fish at a time per week.
Ideally you should get some more Platys since they're a schooling fish.
i don't think platies are schooling fish although i guess they might enjoy company of their own.

you can get a small school of tetras
Well all the research I've done told me that they were... hence why I got 8 :)

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