Now I Have An Outbreak Of Ich

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Fish Fanatic
Aug 24, 2013
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I have probably put the fish in too soon but I have added salt increased the temperature and also treated the water with the filter off for a while so fingers crossed I guess. any other tips out there please?
Well it sounds like you did everything you could hopefully it will work.
I lost a pare of clown loaches to ich a while back myself :(
What kind of loaches do you have?  I am just curious because monos and scats are obviously brackish, but most loaches aren't.
Update the temperature is now up to 80 also I think the salt I have put in has not agreed with the loaches. The yoyo loach is upside down looking a little forlorn. 2 of the 3 clown loaches are at the surface gasping for air. Another chequered loach is also at the surface gasping. the rainbow shark is also at the bottom looking bad. The 2 bala sharks are covered in white spots. finally the scats and the mono seem to be a little better out of all of the fish. The pictus catfish is very active and the featherfin catfish I cant tell he is always nuts. My local shop who has 43 yrs experienced said if I put the original media in the filter then I could put the fish in the new tank after a week. I am now regretting it I knew I should have waited I feel a fool. I have already lost one my young yoyo loaches. I feel useless watching the demise knowing there is not much more I can do.
Do some large water changes to get rid of the salt, loaches do not do well with salt. Use esha exit, its safe to use with loaches and delicate fish its the fastest acting ich medication on the market it works on the cyst as well as the free swimming stage and can clear an infestation in a few days.
Thanks for that will go to shop in a minute an update this morning I have lost one of the large bala sharks and the large yo yo loach is near deaths door too sadly. Will do a large water change later and try and get that treatment you suggest I must try something hate watching the demise as I said yesterday.
Done 2 more small water changes and added treatment. Sadly lost the large yoyo loach now but I have put in an external filter and just will keep fingers crossed now as still 4 fish looking bad. The one good thing is that the mono seems to have got rid of his white spot. thanks for the tips so far.
Just to clarify again, you know that mono's and scat's are brackish right?  And bala sharks and loaches are not.  I'm a bit confused as to why you have these fish in one tank?
Yes thanks I know they are brackish and will put them in a brackish when they reach adulthood but these were bred freshwater

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