

Fish Addict
Oct 26, 2004
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I just got my 55 and i am aranging it.... Should i do anything ot the tanks for the pec ... any special arangment ( there is plenty of oppen space and hiding space)...what plec do you suggest?...When should I add the plec?
what plec are you aiming to get?

If its a smaller one - a cave will be a great addition ;)
A cave or bogwood. Most plecs prefer some real wood in the aquarium whether they eat it or just hide in it.
What are you looking for the pleco to do, eat algae or just to be there sucking on the glass? If you want it to eat algae you could get a couple bristlenose plecos or bulldog plecos but if you just want it to be there sucking on the glass you get get a couple candy striped plecos.
I have a cave but I dont want the pleco to hide in there the whole time
will it?
I have a cave but I dont want the pleco to hide in there the whole time
will it?
Well most likley the cave will encourage the pleco to be out more because it knows it has somewhere to hide if it gets scared or the tank light starts to bother him. Simthrc is right about them being nocturnal which means even if you didn't have a cave it would just sit there. But my common pleco does sometimes come out during the day but that sometime depends on if he was fed the night before because he tends to be lazy after eating. :p

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