Hey all, I have never kept a betta before, but I have to say I think I am slowly being sucked in. So much so i am even considering dedicating my fish hobby solely to them (and maybe breeding them at a later stage) 
But that is all just a dream at the moment, and I have two years to plan and dream so hey lets get started with the first (of many I am sure) novice question.
How do you all classify and categorize bettas? Is it by tail type or colour, as I have seen both being used? It made more sense to me that you would categorize them by tail shape? But do they vary in body shape as well?
Also if it is indeed by tail shape, what are all the categories of tails? And can you get mixes?
Sorry if my mumbling has confused some of you, think I may have even have confused myself
Sorry again for the novice question.
But that is all just a dream at the moment, and I have two years to plan and dream so hey lets get started with the first (of many I am sure) novice question.
How do you all classify and categorize bettas? Is it by tail type or colour, as I have seen both being used? It made more sense to me that you would categorize them by tail shape? But do they vary in body shape as well?
Also if it is indeed by tail shape, what are all the categories of tails? And can you get mixes?
Sorry if my mumbling has confused some of you, think I may have even have confused myself

Sorry again for the novice question.