Noticed some fuzz forming over the head

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Fish Fanatic
Oct 24, 2002
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sigh... i c some fuzz forming over my bettas head again. theres not much but its noticeable.

i also noticed he swims frantically sometimes too - like in a zig zag towards the stones at the bottom, and sometimes hel try to bury his face into the stones. also seems hes rubbing against the side of the tank - not sure if hes attacking his reflection or what

hes been making bubbles since yesterday - quite a lot of em are floating around on top of the surface of the water now

anyone have any ideas?? i have been adding some EM tablets in to the water - as it states on the box. they r supposed to treat Hemorphagic septicemia, body slime and eye cloud, cotton mouth disease, and furunculosis. its what they said at the pet store - that would take care of it. but it doesnt seem to b working =(

should i do a water change? its only been like 2 days since i did one - got the fish on friday.


it sounds like a fungus, but the scratching i'd watch out for because thats usualy a sign of white spot, try using melafix for the fugus, yes i would do another water change,
also i notice a black edge around the tail fin... :-( i just read that this could b a sign of tail rot?? i bought the fish with it like this i think. i thought it was part of the coloring =

should i do the water change b4 or after i add in the medicine?


do the water change before using any other medication, what meds are you going to add, ??
not sure... gunna head to the pet store - someone said add salt - and that kills the fungi... so il go c what they got

yes think thats best, they should be able to advise you, hope you get it sorted out, :)
Well, if you can wait a bit we'll have our disease experts on the board, I no longer trust anything my petstore says after all they are just out to get money, while there are some very good ones most are not very knowledgeable. With members all around the world its often best to wait a good few hours to get a full spectrum of advice, I'm afraid my knowledge on disease is limited and so I can't help on this one :/ Good luck :)
well i bought this stuff - some tablets called fungus cure. it cures the 3 types of fungal diseases - cotton mouth, bacterial body slime, and fin+tail rot

on anotehr note, i bought a nice live plant and a light heeh - hopefully that will help keep the tank clean

also, after adding the em tablets - the cottony stuff seemed to clear up but im still gunna do a 50% water change, then add in that fungus stuff and my new plant. and the water treatment . they will b all i do.

i have the following chemicals : water treatment, waste treatment, cycle treatment, EM tablets, Fungus cure..... and my new plant with its plant grow fertilizer.

when i do the water change is it better to take the fish out of the tank?


thers far two much going in the tank ie chemicals, in that way they can be
harmful to the fish, what filter do you use, some chems will kill live plants
so check the bottle first, you only need to add the water conditioner and
1 fungus treatment and , you don't need waste or cycle treatments, the most important one is the fungus treatment and water de chloranide, as to taken the fish out well yes if you have another tank, but don't put it in with other fish, it will be fine left in the tank whilst you do a water change, might be to stressful to move it out
In your filter do you have carbon ? You may want to remove it, as it will remove the chemicals from the water.
i dont have a filter... its just a tableside tank with water in it =

when i did the water change, all i added was the water conditioner, and the fungus cure, and b4 i added teh plant, i added the fertilizer to it outside of the tank.

after learning a lesson from mostanks i just use salt to treat fungus. it works great! one tablespoon per five gallons of water is all you need. dissolve the salt before adding to the tank. also helps aid in proper gill function.

is there any type of mechanical device in your tank such as aeration or a filter to circulate the water? that could be your problem. even if you do not want to add a filter, get an aerator.

also agree with slt that you have a chemical warfare going on. you don't need to add all of those chemicals. water conditioner should only be added to replacement and as per the amount of replacement water. could be the fish got scratched and the fertilizer irritated it?

i thought bettas breathed surface air due to poorly developed gills... so why would u need to aerate the water?

and i dont have any mechanical device in it - just a light, and a plant heh

its just oen of those small tableside tanks

even though bettas can breath air above water, they should have a filter
to help assist keeping the tank clean in between regular water changes, also as maggie says the water
should have aeration, which a filter can also provide, also bettas like
the higher water tempratures, 82f, they don't do well in lower tempratures,

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