Hey Lynz
I got snails from the same person, They grow huge. Don't worry it will grow back fine, mine have.
Did you get a Mix of Colors or just the Pink Caramels. Although I forgot i could have sent you some Pink and Caramel, But forgot to put them in the with the Plants. Ooops
Hiya Gill,
Ohhh you were gonna send me some were you ?
I have four now so that will do me I reckon. My old one gigantic yellow one has been going awhile now and seemed pleased when he encountered one of the dark purple ones. I got two purple and one pink. The seller, Karen seemed really nice about it and I sent her the pics of the snail who's fine now. So no need for a replacement.
I noticed the snails in your tank look like the pink one I have. Have yours reproduced?