not sure where to put this


Fish Addict
Apr 5, 2004
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i wasnt sure where to put this so ill just say it in here then if ts wrong it can be moved.
i have a 3ft tank in my room with 3 tigar barbs and an angle fish anyways for a hole year they was fine but just now i have has a look and the stupid hurrid barbs have ripped my angle fish apart im not very happy with them at the moment and my angle is on deaths bed just alive.
i have nowhere to put the barbs as my 2 ft tank hasnt got a heater and this was my best angle i have ever has he/she could tell when it was feeding time it followed the food tub up and down fed from my fingers but now im sure its going to die :sad:
i now hate barbs :grr:
Don't give out on your angel yet, I've heard stories about fish close to death but survive and live a happy healthy life!
With your barbs as long as you keep the water water at all times I'm sure they will be ok in there. Does your 2ft tank have a filter?
yes the 2ft has a filter plants sand and air stone just no heater.
but its a worm room as i have 3 tanks with betta fry and its really worm in there lol

***btw the betta tanks arnt in my room lol***
Tiger barbs really shouldn't be mixed with long finned fish like Angels as they are notorious fin-nippers, but I think the main problem is that you only have 3 of them. They really should be kept in a group of 6 or more, and then they tend to leave the other fish alone and just fight amongst themselves.
I have 8 of them, and they never go for anything else in the tank, even my sailfin plec!!
clover said:
yes the 2ft has a filter plants sand and air stone just no heater.
but its a worm room as i have 3 tanks with betta fry and its really worm in there lol

***btw the betta tanks arnt in my room lol***
Something even though it is a warmroom the tank waters temperature can still decress.When I keep my betta tanks water warm I change 20% water with warmer water once in a while..not too dramatic changes.
im happy now as my dads just gone out to buy me a heater for it :D
but just untill he gets back and the water is okey to move the barbs ive put in a drip tray in to the water so the barbs cant get to the angle and im happy to say the angle seems to be picking up yayness :p just put a few flakes in and he came up and ate them
Sorry to hear about your situation. Hope you Angel gets better.

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