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Final Dynazty

Aug 13, 2004
Reaction score
New York
Ok I have a betta see signature. The betta is a male. And now im lookin for tank mates for him in a 20 gallon. So are then any good tank mates for him. But now i lookin to breed my swordies plus when i get my pearls im gonna breed them too. But thats the secound biggest tank i have and im gunna wanna use that as a grow out tank. So i cant keep the betta in there rite? Also after i get my pearls i want to get three female betta or will my 55 be too over crouded? so what should i do should i put him in the 55 but then he might get nipped or sumtin. ahh idk plzz help......
your rely shouldn't keep bettas and gouramis together, they will get a bit nippy with each other. i suggest u just buy the betta his own 2.5g tank and then buy a 10g for a female betta community. as for ur swordtails, im pretty sure gouramis will get along with them but u dont want gourami fry in there with them.
ok so i can keep the swordie fry with the gourami fry? Um so if i leave the betta in the 20 gallon what fish could i put with him?
Just fyi, gourami fry are extremely extremely tiny - one of the tiniest of the egglayer fry. You need to breed gouramis in a seperate tank, if you want to be successful. They need a tank with floating plants, little to no current (in order to keep the bubblenest togoether), and no disturbances by other fish. Then the fry need very specialized care after they become free swimming. So you couldn't keep sword fry with gourami fry, until the gouramis became pretty large. Otherwise the much larger livebearer fry will eat the gouramis.
Every one of my community tanks has a betta. :D If you want to see what I keep with them, see my profile. Every tank is listed with it's inhabitants. :nod:

I have no problems with any of my tanks, but I will give you a word of caution...Zebra Danios and Serpae Tetras are known fin nippers, and Silvertip Tetras and Yucatan Mollies are serious chasers. In my experience with keeping these types of fish, I find that they keep to themselves, and leave my bettas alone. They tend to chase and nip themselves and each other. But there is always the possibility that the long and colorful fins of your betta will look mighty appetizing, so just keep this in mind. :nod:

I will highly recommend bottom feeders (small Plecos, Corys, Otos, and small Loaches) for your tank though...they get along wonderfully with bettas, and are a joy to have in a tank as they are highly active. :nod: Also, Platies are a great choice as well. :nod:

Good luck with your tank, and let us know what you decide to get! :thumbs: :nod:
Alright guys thanx a lot i appreciate it. Yeah i was thinkin of gettin either 4 corys or 4 yoyo loaches. Cuz there really kool. Anyways if there are any othere suggestions plz yet me know thanx. thanx again guys.

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