Not sure on how to handle a new fish.

What on earth did I say to offend you?? I was asking @GaryE if I could tag him into my own pleco thread to seek advice from him about mine, so that I wouldn't be rude and hijack your thread.

I don't have any personal "agenda", let alone ads for it. You raised the topic, GaryE gave his opinion, I gave my own thoughts on the topic too. That's called a discussion, which is what forums are all about, aren't they? I even said that I need to look more into the types of tanks that people run filterless and without water changes so I could learn more about their methods, but that I'm personally dubious about if they're really good for the fish. That's an opinion, not an agenda.
I don't know why you got so snappy and mean just because you dislike my thoughts on the topic, and I'm a bit hurt to be honest when we were having a good conversation all morning, and I took time out to try to help, encourage and support you, only for you to turn on me like that.
Are we not allowed to discuss the topic you raised? Or just have to become enemies and get all heated because we have different fishkeeping styles??
I'm not offended at all. It just seemed like you gave a short answer then gave a lot of talk about your stuff that didn't seem to apply. I very well may have read wrong but it read like an ad. If I'm wrong in how I read I apologize but what I said is how what you presented seemed to me. That is an inherent problem with text conversations... Without seeing a face and expressions things can easily be taken wrong. Let's just call it a comminucation thing and let it go. I really meant no offense.

To be honest it is late and, if I had actually looked at who was responding, my response would have likely been much different. My mind is just off the wall right now. My best friend died yesterday and I'm not dealing well...
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I'm not offended at all. It just seemed like you gave a short answer then gave a lot of talk about your stuff that didn't seem to apply. I very well may have read wrong but it read like an ad. If I'm wrong in how I read I apologize but what I said is how what you presented seemed to me. That is an inherent problem with text conversations... Without seeing a face and expressions things can easily be taken wrong. Let's just call it a comminucation thing and let it go. I really meant no offense.

To be honest it is late and, if I had actually looked at who was responding, my response would have likely been much different. My mind is just off the wall right now. My best friend died yesterday and I'm not dealing well...

I'm truly sorry for your loss - I can't imagine what you're going through, awful and I'm so sorry you're going through that! I'm feeling wobbly emotionally so might have misinterpreted and taken offence too easily myself, but I'm not going through something as tough as you are... I'm so deeply sorry. I really didn't mean to offend or upset you, I had been enjoying the conversation and sharing thoughts, learning more along the way, and didn't mean to put my foot in my mouth or seem strongly opinionated or agenda driven. Genuine apologies if I did, and I agree, text communication makes it really easy for things to accidentally come across the wrong way. Let's draw a line under it there, I agree!

Be kind to yourself and take care of yourself the best you can while you're going through this. You're grieving and allowed to grieve, no other way to go but through it. Just try to look after yourself while you go through it. My sincere condolences.
I'm truly sorry for your loss - I can't imagine what you're going through, awful and I'm so sorry you're going through that! I'm feeling wobbly emotionally so might have misinterpreted and taken offence too easily myself, but I'm not going through something as tough as you are... I'm so deeply sorry. I really didn't mean to offend or upset you, I had been enjoying the conversation and sharing thoughts, learning more along the way, and didn't mean to put my foot in my mouth or seem strongly opinionated or agenda driven. Genuine apologies if I did, and I agree, text communication makes it really easy for things to accidentally come across the wrong way. Let's draw a line under it there, I agree!

Be kind to yourself and take care of yourself the best you can while you're going through this. You're grieving and allowed to grieve, no other way to go but through it. Just try to look after yourself while you go through it. My sincere condolences.
No worries and I'm sorry for jumping on you. You have been nothing but supportive and I appreciate. If I had any sense I would have just stayed away for a few days but I don't always show a lot of sense...

I truly hope the last few posts can be put in the past and forgotten and we can continue with a discussion about the wonderful pleco world. I love South American Cichlids but Plecos are still my favorites. The danged critters have been around for over 75-100 million years. That has to be respected.

Again, I appoligize for any offense I may have put in your direction. It really was not intended.
No worries and I'm sorry for jumping on you. You have been nothing but supportive and I appreciate. If I had any sense I would have just stayed away for a few days but I don't always show a lot of sense...

I truly hope the last few posts can be put in the past and forgotten and we can continue with a discussion about the wonderful pleco world. I love South American Cichlids but Plecos are still my favorites. The danged critters have been around for over 75-100 million years. That has to be respected.

Again, I appoligize for any offense I may have put in your direction. It really was not intended.
I'm really glad we were able to resolve it quickly! No offence or grudges held here, I promise! :flowers:

Definitely want to put it behind us and move on, we usually get along well enough and I'm sure can calmly discuss more controversial topics another time and respect any differences of opinion :friends: And I love hearing about old school fish keeping, since my dad was an old school type of fishkeeper, and the hobby has definitely changed a lot over the last 30-40 years or so, and there are so many different ways of keeping different types of fish and tanks :)

Plecs have really been around that long? wow! I knew they were pretty ancient, but didn't know they were that old! Definitely have to respect a fish that has lived for so long and is so adaptable and tough.

Still will want to see photos when your new baby plec emerges! :D;)
Glad we could sort it out, I have to move some fish and do some housework this afternoon, but I'll definitely be back. :)
Thanks you two for sorting things out...I can delete any posts at any time, a simple PM request is all that is needed
Personally I think that things should be left as they are as an example of actually talking things through but if AdoraBelle feels different I won't argue.
Thanks you two for sorting things out...I can delete any posts at any time, a simple PM request is all that is needed

As far as regular water changes are concerned, here's a good read on the subject:

Personally I think that things should be left as they are as an example of actually talking things through but if AdoraBelle feels different I won't argue.

I'm fine with leaving it or deleting it, I really don't mind either way, entirely up to you, @jaylach , given what you're going through. I agree that it could be a good example of how adults can resolve and work through a misunderstanding, and move past it. :) But it's also sweet to offer to delete since it's some personal info, that I also don't mind if you change your mind later and ask @Slaphppy7 to delete it if you'd like to keep that info or our conversation private. Truly fine with either option! Appreciate the mods we have here, @Slaphppy7, you're a doll. :drinks:
I'm fine with leaving it or deleting it, I really don't mind either way, entirely up to you, @jaylach , given what you're going through. I agree that it could be a good example of how adults can resolve and work through a misunderstanding, and move past it. :) But it's also sweet to offer to delete since it's some personal info, that I also don't mind if you change your mind later and ask @Slaphppy7 to delete it if you'd like to keep that info or our conversation private. Truly fine with either option! Appreciate the mods we have here, @Slaphppy7, you're a doll. :drinks:
Not even 9 AM here yet, but heck, it's 5 o'clock SOMEWHERE, right?

Right back at ya....🍻
Not even 9 AM here yet, but heck, it's 5 o'clock SOMEWHERE, right?

Right back at ya....🍻
*chinks glass*

It's still a bit early here for drinking, but I've reached a breaking point with bronze cory fry taking over my pygmy cory tank... I think they might be outcompeting the pygmies and the pygmies are hiding away more as a result, and there are just way too many of them to sustain in a 15g tank. So the 57g I only just emptied is going to be employed to house that bronze cory baby pack until big enough for me to find homes for them. Setting that up today, so water tests and changes coming, then trying to catch who knows how many cory babies from a heavily planted tank... urgh!

I have a bottle of wine calling my name that will be opened tonight!
Plecs have really been around that long? wow! I knew they were pretty ancient, but didn't know they were that old! Definitely have to respect a fish that has lived for so long and is so adaptable and tough.

Still will want to see photos when your new baby plec emerges! :D;)
Glad we could sort it out, I have to move some fish and do some housework this afternoon, but I'll definitely be back. :)
Ya Plecos are really that old in some cases. While understated the common is probably the oldest and the origin of all the others. That statement is speculation but makes sense. They don't even have true scales from what I've read. They are truly armored with their outer surface being covered by bone plates instead of true scales. They are truly armored by these plates which is why I've normally named them 'Tank'. However Tank just does not fit the new critter so it will be Dusty. :)

Don't worry! I'm sure that photos will be put up more than anyone wants to see if the danged thing ever comes out as I'm sure it will since I will no longer be dropping food on its head. ;)

I know that many say that fish have no real intelligence but many say the same about birds. Some birds are dumb and others smart, same with fish. Out of all I've had as to fish I would consider plecos and ropes the most intelligent and trainable. In the past I've had both eat out of my hand and let me pet and play with.
Ya Plecos are really that old in some cases. While understated the common is probably the oldest and the origin of all the others. That statement is speculation but makes sense. They don't even have true scales from what I've read. They are truly armored with their outer surface being covered by bone plates instead of true scales. They are truly armored by these plates which is why I've normally named them 'Tank'. However Tank just does not fit the new critter so it will be Dusty. :)

Don't worry! I'm sure that photos will be put up more than anyone wants to see if the danged thing ever comes out as I'm sure it will since I will no longer be dropping food on its head. ;)

I know that many say that fish have no real intelligence but many say the same about birds. Some birds are dumb and others smart, same with fish. Out of all I've had as to fish I would consider plecos and ropes the most intelligent and trainable. In the past I've had both eat out of my hand and let me pet and play with.
I meant to say in a reply earlier, love that you have a cockatiel! Wonderful birds, great companions! We're bird people too, I have an Orange-Winged Amazon, called Oscar :D Who is silly tame with me, and he's 22 now! My mother has a Hahns Macaw that is a real character, but really tries hard to bite me, and he means it! lol. He's adorable, but a murderous little psycho who tries to kill me even if I'm just trying to change his water dish. :D

They had some cockatiels and other birds in their personal collection when I was a small kid and we lived above their pet shop, and I remember the cockatiels were my favourites! They were so sweet, and charming with lifting their head crests! Gorgeous birds.
Ya Plecos are really that old in some cases. While understated the common is probably the oldest and the origin of all the others. That statement is speculation but makes sense. They don't even have true scales from what I've read. They are truly armored with their outer surface being covered by bone plates instead of true scales. They are truly armored by these plates which is why I've normally named them 'Tank'. However Tank just does not fit the new critter so it will be Dusty. :)

Don't worry! I'm sure that photos will be put up more than anyone wants to see if the danged thing ever comes out as I'm sure it will since I will no longer be dropping food on its head. ;)

I know that many say that fish have no real intelligence but many say the same about birds. Some birds are dumb and others smart, same with fish. Out of all I've had as to fish I would consider plecos and ropes the most intelligent and trainable. In the past I've had both eat out of my hand and let me pet and play with.
Yes, plecos are armored, as well as corys...if you ever have one die, the armor is left behind, still articulated, like a true "suit of armor"
Sadly my cockatiel isn't totally friendly. Just like my initial current fish he was a rescue critter. He is still cage bound but getting slowly better. Once out of the cage he is fine but it is often hard to get him out. He is now totally healthy and fine except for an extreme defensive attitude which I'm working on. I don't think that he was physically abused but was just ignored and not properly cared for. I mean when I got the critter it took a month before he realized a cuttle fish bone was something to eat. Story has it that he had a bonded mate that died. Since he didn't even know a bone was something to nibble I have to assume that his mate died due to internal breakage of eggs due to a lack of calcium. I totally detest people that take in a critter without seeing the involved responsibility.

Right now, if I reach into the cage, he is likely to bite me but once out of the cage he will crawl under my shirt and cuddle. This is a true sign of prior abuse.

LOL! He DOES have a penthouse!! Not going to post a bunch of images but the following link will lead to his part of my photo gallery. BTW this gallery is a free service where anyone can set up albums. Click below to see Terabit's album. Terabit is the critter's name...

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