Not sure if my betta has dropsy or if he is just bloated


New Member
Mar 20, 2023
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Toronto, Canada
Hi all. My betta fish has been in my care for a little over 2 years now. He lives in a 5 gallon tank with a sponge filter and heater. The tank is heated to around 78-82 degrees celsius. In his tank are mostly silk plants, with the exception of a few live anubias.
Lately he’s been a bit bloated. We feed him 8-12 Hikari pellets daily, and sometimes he just bloats. He’s also been acting a little more lethargic than usual (he was never too active to begin with) and there is potentially some pineconing in his scales. It’s not too extreme, but it’s a cause for concern considering his other symptoms. A few months ago he had some fin rot, which we treated with aquarium salt (most fish meds are illegal or otherwise very hard to find in our country). I typically do 50% water changes around twice a month. This has worked for the past two years, so I’m not sure if that is the root of the issue.
Now he spends most of the day hiding at the bottom of the tank and coming up for water periodically, which is not much of an issue considering that he is quite the lazy fish regardless of his health. His colours haven’t faded and there are no other noticeable symptoms of dropsy, however I love my fish with all my heart and am desperate for him to get better. What should I do, and does he really have dropsy?
Any help would be appreciated. Thank you!
Post a pic please. Also post your test readings for ammonia, nitrite and nitrate. Perform a 50-70 percent water change after taking test readings

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