Not Sure About What Breed Of Fry I Have


Fish Fanatic
Apr 30, 2007
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St. Louis
We have 4 new fry not sure what they are! We have 2 Swordtails one of which died shortly before we discovered the fry and 3 female orange Platys (different breeds). We weren't sure if any of them were pregnant or not. Our experience has only been with Guppies and Mollies. Anyway they are very tiny and orange with a kind of clear rear fin. They are very hard to take pictures of because they are constantly hiding in the rock away from the Molly and Guppy fry. Can anyone help???
hi iv had many livebeares over the years
the only way i could tell swordtale fry from platys is that swordtale fry are really thin like little sticks,
and platy fry are tinyer and plumper

thats the onlyway i can exsplain it with out seeing a pic
hope it helps
and good luck with the fry :good:
I cant really help you. I have 2 fry that are almost 2 months old and i still dont know what kind they are. They are still clear/silverish. All my other fry around that age have colors. I just wanted to add that the colors when they are born dont neccessarily help with identifying the parents.

I am thinking that the dead swordtail maybe the mother. She may have been having problems birthing and died from that. I have had that happen with a mother a few batches back.

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