Not Seen Sterbai All Day....


get on a board and do yo thang...!
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Jun 9, 2009
Reaction score
South Leicestershire U.K
he is the only sterbai in the tank but there are 5 other corys. he is usually quite active and plays with my bandit cory most of the time but i have not seen him all day. i have 2 tree root ornaments in the tank and the only place he can be is inside one of these.... its very unusual not to see him at all and im concerned he may have died! there have been no indicatins of him not being well and i dont really want ti disturb the tank too much trying to get him out. water stats are -
nitrate = 0 ammonia = 0 nitrate = 10/20 pH = 7.8
he has been in the tank for about 4/5 weeks and is normally active and has never hidden before, should i be worried?, maybe he will come out at feeding time.....
just fed the fish and no sign of him..... im feeling the worst has happened to him.... :(
just took both root ornaments out and washed tank water through them whilst in the tank and still no sign of him....... i even took them right out and gave them a good shake over the tank and nothing..... :unsure: so unless its been eaten, which i doubt very much as there is nothing in there possible of this, he must be really wedged in there somewhere.... or grew legs and walked off!!!!!!
i just saw my sterbai..... :good: hurray, hes alive :good: he was sat under the root ornament, just bin and looked again and hes gone!!! :unsure: at least hes alive tho. why is he hiding so much? water stats are 0, 0, 10/20.
just got a better look at him and it doesnt look good im affraid :no: hes out but hiding well, didnt eat and has a white patch infront of his dorsal... possibly where he was stuck but not 100% on that until i get a better view.......
sterbai is now dead after closer inspection he could hardly swim and was almost cut halfway through so i did the decent thing :rip: i hated doing it :-( but i think it was for the best.

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