not really a stocking question


Fish Fanatic
May 30, 2004
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heres what a got;
6 tiger barbs
3 cherry barbs
8 neon tetras
6 redeye tetras
1 black neon tetra (just showed up one day)
3 zebra danios
3 corrys (1 spotted, 1 albino, 1 brown one)
1 algee eater
1 bala shark

all in a 200G aquarium, I wanted to buy an angel fish, but i keep on reading that they are can be aggresive. what im looking for is a fish that looks different from the rest. any answer would be apreciated, for i will try to reasearch that fish
not really an answer more of an opinion

3 zebra danios huh!
zebra danios (danio reio) need, at the least, to be in groups of 5!

I reserve my comments on the rest of the list :/
i will get 3 more zebra dainios tomorrow and 2 more bala sharks soon thanks for the help and danion2004 what did you mean with "I reserve my comments on the rest of the list".
I think definitely go with a couple more cories - 200 gallons is massive, & these guys love being in groups, the more the better, & the same goes for the lone black neon tetra who I'm sure would love some company of his own kind.

Anyhoo, just my opinion. Goodluck :)
from what i understand with angels, is if you get them when they are small and they are the last fish you add to the community they will be ok. I dont know from personal experience so you can take or leave my opinion. I also agree with previous posts that some of your fish could be in bigger groups so you should start with that. good luck finding what your looking for.
I think that part of the issue is that barbs tend to be more aggressive than tetras. I'm not sure you're supposed to mix them. You did say you have a very large tank, though. I think that if they have plenty of space to swim they should be okay.

I've been told to group danios and tetras and other schoaling/schooling fish in groups of at least 10. However, my danios have been happy as little clams in their threesome. Of course, now I have tetras, too, and all of them swim together quite peacefully.
fishface33 said:
i will get 3 more zebra dainios tomorrow and 2 more bala sharks soon thanks for the help and danion2004 what did you mean with "I reserve my comments on the rest of the list".
Sorry all I ment was I don't have enough experiance of those others to feel I can give any advice on them.
I didn't mean to sound :dunno: arrogant?
Wouldn't get angels as your barbs will nip their fins. If you want cichlids try Keyholes as they are peaceful, Kribs bit more agressive but very colouful or a group of small apistogrammas which are colourlful and peaceful. :)
Thanks for the help guys; 1.) the one black neon tetra just showed up one day and i would have bought more but i can't find then at the two local shops that sell fish. so if i ever see anymore i will buy them. 2.) buying more 2 more bala sharks. the first one i bought was kinda an impulse buy, (I bought it, put the divider in the tank and did some research him/her, it never said anything about schooling fish), and the shop owner dousn't know when there getting anymore, so it might be a few month, 3.) i did buy 3 more zebra danios today, thanks again for the info
You should get some more cory catfish in that tank and a few more bala sharks and then get another pl*co :hyper:

Daveo :flex:
what about adding some frogs saw them at the petstore the other day and they shure look different from any fish

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