Not New But So Unsure Want It Perfect This Time.


Fish Addict
Nov 21, 2005
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I want to stock my tanks so I can relax and enjpy my fish.

Some say once its cycled you stock all at once.

Okay I had previous fish and they are now in the tank so I am adding to them. Do I use the add 3 a week advice?

Then I have read platy's are not okay with neons .... no worries I will seperate them. I have also been told they are okay with male Betta??? I have a male Betta is this wise to put them together. This I would like as it would be good as I can have a hospital tank from his little eleven gallon but will he be okay in a 30 gallon with PLATY'S and what ratio ?

Then that leaves me with 8 Neons in my Rio 400 so what can I add to these.

Suggestions I am happy with so far are tetras, corydorus, bristlenose plecs. I would also like a few fish I can see well like the size of Golden gouramis although I may try others .

I have had bad experience with dwarf gouramis.

people have suggested cichlids.

Buying today so looking for quick advice before I have my no return. Thanks Anne

I want to stock my tanks so I can relax and enjpy my fish.

Some say once its cycled you stock all at once.

Okay I had previous fish and they are now in the tank so I am adding to them. Do I use the add 3 a week advice?

Then I have read platy's are not okay with neons .... no worries I will seperate them. I have also been told they are okay with male Betta??? I have a male Betta is this wise to put them together. This I would like as it would be good as I can have a hospital tank from his little eleven gallon but will he be okay in a 30 gallon with PLATY'S and what ratio ?

Then that leaves me with 8 Neons in my Rio 400 so what can I add to these.

Suggestions I am happy with so far are tetras, corydorus, bristlenose plecs. I would also like a few fish I can see well like the size of Golden gouramis although I may try others .

I have had bad experience with dwarf gouramis.

people have suggested cichlids.

Buying today so looking for quick advice before I have my no return. Thanks Anne
in case anyone wanted to know I got two oscars. Beautiful
The neons are in the 11 gallon for now and Platy and Betta are in the 30 gallon . Oscars are alone and look lost need to do tank up as it looks tropical and not really amazon basin. I hope they will settle well.
Thanks for the reply
I've never heard of platies being a problem with neons. However, I have heard of betta killing platies. Betta vary alot. Some can't be kept with any brightly coloured fish. It doesn't seem like a good idea if you want relaxed tanks as you'd need to watch them carefully and could end up with dead fish.
I have never heard of not keeping neons with plattys, either. I would worry about the Oscar and the Beta, especially together. I have a Tiger Oscar and he pretty much runs the place, be careful and good luck!

I have never heard of not keeping neons with plattys, either. I would worry about the Oscar and the Beta, especially together. I have a Tiger Oscar and he pretty much runs the place, be careful and good luck!


Read my post the Oscars are by themselves in the RIO 400
Read all the compatability sites and read books and seen the lfs.

My Betta was shop reared and had never seen a puddle in Thailand or wherever else Betta's come from and so where his platy fry they hatched together stayed together.

My platys are very happy and have not hid as they did when in the rio there the neons ruled the roost.

I am worried about the neons now as 11 Gallons does not seem enough swimming room it is more a tall square than a rectangle so I want to think about that.

I slept better last night as the platty's were so colourful swimming around showing of. Betta has still not eaten the two month baby platy's I'll keep an eye but so far so good.

I noticed you all criticise but noted no-one gave advice as to what to buy. HMMMMMMMMMMMM

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