Fish Fanatic
Ok, I've got several questions for you all. First of all, How long does it take to cycle a tank on average?? I've got a 29 Gallon tank that has been running for about 3 weeks (maybe a little more), and still hasn't cycled. I haven't even gotten to the nitrite stage yet. I've got fish in it, wich i put in too early without knowing anything. I keep doing my water changes. I feed the fish bare minimum. WHAT AM I DOING WRONG NOW? I know that I fudged up a little when I added the fish too early...a mistake that I can't now take back.
Another question. I've been reading lots of posts, and many people mention cleaning my filter. How often should I clean it? What is the proper procedure to clean it? do I turn the filter off and remove the cartridge? do I just remove the cartridge while it's running?? I know I've got to use aquarium water to rinse it off. Is this why my tank hasn't cycled yet? Because I haven't washed it yet?
Yet another question. Although I am doing water changes daily, my ammonia stays near 4. I know this is wrong...but my fish don't seem to be suffering. I add stress coat with every water change. When I do my water changes, I do 30% changes. I vacuum my gravel every time I do a change. My temp stays at about 75 degrees. My pH is a constant 7.0
I really don't know what I'm doing wrong here. Please tell me something I'm missing. Oh, and one more question. Where exactly do my bacteria live? I'm still trying to understand the bacteria concept. Do they live inside the filter's syphon? do they live on the ledge that pours the water back into my tank?? I'm really curious about all there is to fish...but my first experience is a little of a headache.
Oh, yet another question. My ghost knife and my red tinfoil barb...they seem like they're playing sometimes...but I don't know if they're actually playing, or fighting. The barb smacks the ghost knife with his tail, and the ghost knife follows him everywhere. Do I have wierd fish? or is there a simple explanation to this? I know I ask lots of questions, but up to date you all have been tremendous help in my quest for fish greatness. Thanks in advance for your knowledge.
Another question. I've been reading lots of posts, and many people mention cleaning my filter. How often should I clean it? What is the proper procedure to clean it? do I turn the filter off and remove the cartridge? do I just remove the cartridge while it's running?? I know I've got to use aquarium water to rinse it off. Is this why my tank hasn't cycled yet? Because I haven't washed it yet?
Yet another question. Although I am doing water changes daily, my ammonia stays near 4. I know this is wrong...but my fish don't seem to be suffering. I add stress coat with every water change. When I do my water changes, I do 30% changes. I vacuum my gravel every time I do a change. My temp stays at about 75 degrees. My pH is a constant 7.0
I really don't know what I'm doing wrong here. Please tell me something I'm missing. Oh, and one more question. Where exactly do my bacteria live? I'm still trying to understand the bacteria concept. Do they live inside the filter's syphon? do they live on the ledge that pours the water back into my tank?? I'm really curious about all there is to fish...but my first experience is a little of a headache.
Oh, yet another question. My ghost knife and my red tinfoil barb...they seem like they're playing sometimes...but I don't know if they're actually playing, or fighting. The barb smacks the ghost knife with his tail, and the ghost knife follows him everywhere. Do I have wierd fish? or is there a simple explanation to this? I know I ask lots of questions, but up to date you all have been tremendous help in my quest for fish greatness. Thanks in advance for your knowledge.