Not just ONE a FEW


Fish Fanatic
Mar 13, 2004
Reaction score
Ft. Bragg, NC
Ok, I've got several questions for you all. First of all, How long does it take to cycle a tank on average?? I've got a 29 Gallon tank that has been running for about 3 weeks (maybe a little more), and still hasn't cycled. I haven't even gotten to the nitrite stage yet. I've got fish in it, wich i put in too early without knowing anything. I keep doing my water changes. I feed the fish bare minimum. WHAT AM I DOING WRONG NOW? I know that I fudged up a little when I added the fish too early...a mistake that I can't now take back.

Another question. I've been reading lots of posts, and many people mention cleaning my filter. How often should I clean it? What is the proper procedure to clean it? do I turn the filter off and remove the cartridge? do I just remove the cartridge while it's running?? I know I've got to use aquarium water to rinse it off. Is this why my tank hasn't cycled yet? Because I haven't washed it yet?

Yet another question. Although I am doing water changes daily, my ammonia stays near 4. I know this is wrong...but my fish don't seem to be suffering. I add stress coat with every water change. When I do my water changes, I do 30% changes. I vacuum my gravel every time I do a change. My temp stays at about 75 degrees. My pH is a constant 7.0

I really don't know what I'm doing wrong here. Please tell me something I'm missing. Oh, and one more question. Where exactly do my bacteria live? I'm still trying to understand the bacteria concept. Do they live inside the filter's syphon? do they live on the ledge that pours the water back into my tank?? I'm really curious about all there is to fish...but my first experience is a little of a headache.

Oh, yet another question. My ghost knife and my red tinfoil barb...they seem like they're playing sometimes...but I don't know if they're actually playing, or fighting. The barb smacks the ghost knife with his tail, and the ghost knife follows him everywhere. Do I have wierd fish? or is there a simple explanation to this? I know I ask lots of questions, but up to date you all have been tremendous help in my quest for fish greatness. Thanks in advance for your knowledge.
I've got a 29 Gallon tank that has been running for about 3 weeks (maybe a little more), and still hasn't cycled. I haven't even gotten to the nitrite stage yet. I've got fish in it, wich i put in too early without knowing anything. I keep doing my water changes. I feed the fish bare minimum. WHAT AM I DOING WRONG NOW? I know that I fudged up a little when I added the fish too early...a mistake that I can't now take back.
Nothing, cycling with fish and starting from scratch can take as long as 6 weeks, sometimes even longer. You can speed this up by warming up the water, increasing aeration and most important of all -adding established media to your tank - filter media from an established filter in your filter works brilliantly.

I've been reading lots of posts, and many people mention cleaning my filter. How often should I clean it? What is the proper procedure to clean it? do I turn the filter off and remove the cartridge? do I just remove the cartridge while it's running?? I know I've got to use aquarium water to rinse it off. Is this why my tank hasn't cycled yet? Because I haven't washed it yet?
Don't even touch the filter until the tank is comletely cycled, and then wait a bit longer. Cleaning the filter will only interrupt the cycle. When it is time to clean the filter then you should shut it off, replace what needs replacing and clean what needs cleaning. If you have a bio-wheel then you can safely clean your cartridge. If you don't, that's why I wouldn't buy a cartridge filter without a bio wheel - you need to clean it very carefully, and will want to run the old one with the new one for a while when it comes time to replace it. Once per month is normally fine for filter maintenance. Every now and then you should rinse out the impeller too.

Yet another question. Although I am doing water changes daily, my ammonia stays near 4. I know this is wrong...but my fish don't seem to be suffering. I add stress coat with every water change. When I do my water changes, I do 30% changes. I vacuum my gravel every time I do a change. My temp stays at about 75 degrees. My pH is a constant 7.0
Rais the temp. to 80, it will help with the cycle. PH is good. Ammonia should dilute with every water change, it sounds like false readings. Do an ammonia test on water right out of the tap. What is the result?
Wonderful advice cichlid addict. :nod: :thumbs:

Swammy, (love your screen name BTW! :nod: ) What fish do you have in there other than your barb and knife?
Rais the temp. to 80, it will help with the cycle. PH is good. Ammonia should dilute with every water change, it sounds like false readings. Do an ammonia test on water right out of the tap. What is the result?

OK...raised the temp to 80. checked pH right out of tap, and came w/ 0 or .25 (somewhere around there). I did yet ANOTHER water change today, and am waiting for it to circulate before I do another ammonia test.

Swammy, (love your screen name BTW! )

Thank you Olive, it's been my nick for the past 10 years at LEAST. Dunno where people came up with it...but it has stuck, and it has grown on me.

What fish do you have in there other than your barb and knife?

I have 2 guppies (1 each gender, named Becca and Gabriel), 2 Platties (names unknown...1 each gender), aquatic frog (named Antonio), 2 Tetras (genders unknown, named Spanky and Spunky), 1 Red Tinfoil Barb (named Oh my God, gender unknown), and my Black Ghost Knife (named Flick...until I come w/ a better name). All the fish are pictured in my signature, and I will soon have a web page dedicated to them. On top of the fish, I have 2 very mischievous cats who love to watch the fish and lick their chops. Thank god for the tank cover!!! I am looking into getting a few cory catfish to clean up my algae off of the tank bottom. Waiting till the tank cycles, of course though.

Matter of's a pic of my tank that I just took:
Swammy's community tank!! :D

I look forward to hearing your replies!!

:fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish:
doing daily water changes can slow the cycling of the tank. you are not letting the ammonia build enough. would cut back on doing water changes.
Hi swammy :)

It looks like you've already got a lot of good advice about cycling your tank, so I won't go there. But I did see something in your reply that I want to comment on.

Cory cats are great little fish, and I recommend them to almost everyone. But, if you are looking for an algae eating fish, corys are not the ones you want for the job. A school of ottos or a pleco would do better at this.

But, don't let that stop you from getting corys, too. They are delightful little fish! :thumbs:

Oh, about the beneficial lives on ALL the surfaces of a tank. It coats the filter material and filter surfaces, lives in the top 1/2 to 3/4 inch of gravel, and is on the glass, plants and decorations, too. :D
So that must be the slimy feeling stuff that I feel on my glass. Is that right?? Anyways, thanks for all the advice everyone!!
swammy said:
So that must be the slimy feeling stuff that I feel on my glass. Is that right?? Anyways, thanks for all the advice everyone!!
Yes, you probably feel that and a little algae too. :nod:

One mistake that I made when I was new was cleaning my filters too often. They will be a huge host area of beneficial bacteria for you, which you are really needing now. Just try to get a little familiar with your filter and how much currrent it puts out so you know it isn't so bogged down with debris that it isn't working properly.........but also don't forget or neglect to check it often, even if you don't clean it. Recently, even though I had just cleaned my filter and replaced all the necessary equipment, one of my filters got clogged with a plant particle and wasn't filtering. I had several fish die before I finally figured out what the heck was going on..........don't get me wrong though re: plants.

Plants will be the second best thing next to fish that you put in your tank. I highly recommend you try a few hardy, low light types once your tank is a little more established. They help filter ammonia and sometimes (with a lot of them and the right conditions) nitrates out and just generally clean the water..........they also provided oxygen during the day for the fish as well. If you enjoy them like most of us do, then you might venture into the realm of better lighting for them, supplements, and so on. I found once I couldn't add any more fish, that plants were just as rewarding as fish.........the two really go hand in hand. The fish appreciate places to retreat when they need a break.....and the tank just looks like a lush underwater forest! :wub: You can make plants as easy or as complicated as you want. Right now, I am forgoing the C02 injections that some people recommend to help my plants grow. I am sticking to mostly low light, easy going plants to keep my upkeep minimal. However, I have come to realize that I cannot get plants to grow without supplementation, so I always use a fertilizer named leaf zone once a week as recommended. I recently got a hand-me-down light from our Saltwater tank as we replaced it with one especially for the Corals, and so now my Freshwater tank has double the light it once had. This is exciting for me now as maybe I can add a few more plants I would have otherwise (already did a few months ago) killed....go to the "how does your garden grow" section on the board if you want to get to the nitty gritty of the matter and dig in to learn about them.......:book:

Well, I think I am rambling, but this is my advice to you for now! It is late, so I may wake up and totally re-edit this tomorrow...........we'll see. :shifty:

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