Not Having Any Luck With Invertebrates


Fish Crazy
Apr 30, 2011
Reaction score
Queensland, Australia
I have some cherry shrimp & HAD an apple snail (two different tanks. Basically, the shrimp are slowly dieing off & the snail survived a few months & now he's died. Water stats are ammonia 0ppm, nitrites 0ppm, nitrates 10ppm. I bought a copper test kit & it's showing 0.5mg/L. Am I right in thinking it's the copper?
I have some cherry shrimp & HAD an apple snail (two different tanks. Basically, the shrimp are slowly dieing off & the snail survived a few months & now he's died. Water stats are ammonia 0ppm, nitrites 0ppm, nitrates 10ppm. I bought a copper test kit & it's showing 0.5mg/L. Am I right in thinking it's the copper?

It may very well be. Copper can be very toxic to them. Did you just test the tank water or did you test your tap water? It would be helpful to narrow down the source of it. If it's not present in the tap water but present only in the tank water, that is indeed not a good sign. Do you have live plants? Some LFS dose the plants with snail killer which can stay on the plant unless you wash it very well, even then, I'm not sure if it stays within the plant fibres. You may want to ask your LFS if they use the product. Otherwise, your water stats are good.
That's the Copper levels in both tap & tank water. Lfs doesn't use snail killer, probably should've stated that above.

Both were getting plenty of food. I'm very confused :S
What sort of dechlorinator do you use?
Maybe try a different brand.
I think all of them take out heavy metals, but read the label just to be sure.

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