Not had this guy for very long

kaz petts

Mar 6, 2004
Reaction score
Ossett, nr Wakefield, West Yorks England
I have had this plec for about 4 month. He didn't seem to grow much when I got him, I have another plec in the same tank and he/she has hardly grown.

Here he is at the side of the tank thermometer, it kind of gives you an idea of his actual size, he is about 2 and a half to 3 inches long.


You can see him a little clearer in this pic, I seem to have a pakistani loach posing for a photo as well in this shot.

Here he is with his friend behind him, you can just about see the difference in size between the 2 of them.

Does anyone have any ideas how big this guy is going to get, I saw one similar to him in one of my lfs which was 24" long.
Well, if he's a common (and he looks a bit like one as far as I can tell, that or a gibby) then you can be looking at 18"-24" long. I am sure ryan will help out.

My friend has recently inherited one and he's only 8" but he's been mistreated for a long time, he's been around for a good 6 years amongst this group of friends.
Thanks CheeseSpecialist,
I kind of thought he would end up growing rather big, he is going to get too big for the tank unfortunatly. This will mean that I will have to sell him on eventually (much to my dismay as he is my favourite) he is quite comical when he goes up to the surface to breath air.
He shoots up to the water surface at such a speed that I swear that if I didn't have a lid on there I would have had a plec casualty on my hands months ago as I am sure he would have leapt out. He shoots to the bottom of the tank as quickly as he goes up. If you blink you can miss him do anything, although you can hear the surface of the water break.
Well, I can give you a bit of my experience with my gibby plec Kirby. When I bought him he was about 5 inches long. Now, only ONE MONTH LATER, he's grown to the massive size of almost 8! :blink:

Must be something in the water...

:D ;)
i bought a baby tiny little thing when i got him at first he was un my 4ft tank and in 5 month he only grew to 5" how ever i purchaced a 5ft tank 100 ltr for a pair of oscars i had and placed him with these i also bought a clarius cat and he was big the pl*c did not get on with him and started to grow very quickly growing to 18/19" over 2 months i sold the clairus as this was doing likewise (15") the pl*c had a massive fin which he would display awresome common pl*cs rule
why is it that your plec moves about in the light and yet mine doesnt does this mean my plec like the setup in my tank?
When I first got these guys they never moved around in the light either. It is common for them not to move about in the light. It does not mean they do not like your tank set up.
Don't worry, maybe they will get used to the light. These 2 of mine have also been known to swim up to a block of blood worm which I hand feed my community. They are really quite tame.
Your breed of plec could also be different. How long have you had them? Maybe they are still settling in.

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