Not Feeders

jimi priest

Fish Fanatic
Mar 28, 2008
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so i was at my LFS the other day buying my friends some feeders for his parana and the guy gave me a bag of killies and live endlers upon talking to him he stated he was alpalled atthe people who sold them these "feeders" becouse they just had a bunch of stuff clearly picked out of the water some times even including jack demsies and oscars ( i have no clue how this could happen i jsut found it weird)
A couple of comments. One, what is it exactly are you trying to say? Are you asking what fish are cheap and colorful but are not feeders?

Second, feeders are a terrible diet for piranhas and any fish for that matter. They are rich in thiaminase, an enzyme that breaks down vitamin b1 causing nutritional deficiencies. They are also very fatty and carry tons of disease that can and will affect the piranha if the sick fish is is consumed. I would advise your friend to stop feeding feeders and feed other foods like frozen silversides.


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