Not Eating


Jun 5, 2004
Reaction score
Kenosha, Wisconsin
Its been a while since iv visted here, been kinda busy i guess.

Iv pretty much decided to quit the betta breeding project. i dont think i have the time i need to keep teh fry alive, so i think its best i not try to raise them at all. I still have 4 adults that i was keeping in tubs on heating pads, but slowly im getting them used to community environments so that they can live more eventful care free lives among the guppies. yes i realize bettas will attack guppies, iv claimed so myself a few times before here, but iv sucessfully conditioned 2 of teh 4 bettas to live quite contently with their lesser companions, i have yet to have any problems. But about my problem....

iv got my one female who has become pretty sick with what appears to be a few differant things. i know she has an internal parasite and her poo is white. and a few patches on her body seem to be some kind of fungus. iv been treating her for a few days now and she has definately purked up. the problem is that she cant eat. i throw in pellets for her and she cant take em for some reason. she is definately hungry and shows great interest in teh pellets (which she didn't do before) but she wont bite at them, just kinda push them around the top of teh water and wait for them to sink. does anyone know how i can get her to eat somthing? she hasn't eatin anything good in liek 2 weeks and i dont think she can fight off her illments on such a light diet.
Break the pellets in half. See if she can injest those better.
Im going to try all those ideas, thnx

i fed her last night and she attacked a pellet and injested about half of it before spitting it out. im gunna do water changes today so maybe that'll get her into the eating mood :thumbs:

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