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That One Guy
May 25, 2019
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On the banks of the Yellowstone
Everybody has certain fish they like and ones they don’t like . We all like something different and that’s good because a variety of people keeping a variety of fish ensures that the hobby always has these fish . What family of fish doesn’t particularly grab you ? Not hate or dislike but just doesn’t interest you . I like cichlids but the African Lake cichlids don’t appeal to me . Yes , they are colorful and large groupings are fun to watch but not that fun . West Africans like Kribensis I love and all New World Central and South American’s . Not really wild about barbs but I do like Tiger Barbs but of all fish that make me go to sleep it’s Plecostomus and the recent additions to that group of recent years like Ancistrus . People that like them really like them but the one and only one I ever had grew to an enormous size and strung long spaghetti strands of fecal feces all over everything and I had to hunt and hunt for someone to take it off my hands .
It's s a cult... An you can't do anything about that :blink:

A good bristlenose can shred a betta in pieces without moving once.
A cult . I never put that exact word to it but I did think that . You’re right , they are a cult and it may be wise to give them some room or else they’ll have you drinking Methylene Blue .
I don't like mollies and platies, I couldn't even tell you why! Any time I see them on a video or whatever I'm just like meh. They just don't grab me or excite me at all. Ironically I think both would do well in my natural tap water but I prefer making my life hard with soft water fish that need RO!
I don't like mollies and platies, I couldn't even tell you why! Any time I see them on a video or whatever I'm just like meh. They just don't grab me or excite me at all. Ironically I think both would do well in my natural tap water but I prefer making my life hard with soft water fish that need RO!
Same. Mollies and platies have never interested me.
They are exactly that for me, a "meh" fish.
I've seem SOME that I kinda like, but even then, it wouldn't be my first choice
I like my golden sailfin molly.
Everybody has certain fish they like and ones they don’t like . We all like something different and that’s good because a variety of people keeping a variety of fish ensures that the hobby always has these fish . What family of fish doesn’t particularly grab you
I dont care for the Kissing gourami fish. My mother used to make me put them in my aquarium when I was a little kid. The kissing used to gross me out. 😁
@gwand Sailfin Mollies are beautiful fish that you don’t see often enough and yours are great . Have you ever had any fry from them ?
On the day they arrived in the mail, the female, gave birth to a brood. Two survived, and I rehomed them. For some reason they have not produced any more fry since April. I have red coral dwarf platies in the same tank and they are always producing fry. I have rehomed Around 30 juveniles. Go figure.
On the day they arrived in the mail, the female, gave birth to a brood. Two survived, and I rehomed them. For some reason they have not produced any more fry since April. I have red coral dwarf platies in the same tank and they are always producing fry. I have rehomed Around 30 juveniles. Go figure.
deworm them
To be fair, most aquarists have never seen livebearers as they evolved in nature. We just see the breeder modified gumdrop coloured products sold in pet stores. Even that nice sailfin is totally unnatural, and in my opinion nothing beside a Poecilia velifera or petenensis out of Mexico. Natural livebearers can be dull looking, but a lot of them are extremely cool, and simply never available outside of livebearer hobbyist groups like the ones @emeraldking is part of in the Netherlands.

I'm not a fan of the linebred and hybridized creatures at my local store, anymore than I'm a fan of glo-fish (and yes, the processes involved are different). But some of the Poecilia/molly, and Xiphophorus/swordtail/platy species I've kept have been really cool. It's like Bettas - fancy splendens are boring to me, but some of those wild Betta species are very cool. You generally have to have a great fish store around you to ever see them, and great fish stores are rare in the hobby.

It's like saying you don't admire wolves when you've only seen pugs and wheezing French bulldogs...

I have, however, seen healthy loaches, and they are still boring.

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