Hi, I have two female guppies left in my tank with 2 corys, 2 neons, 2 ? black with gold stripe tetras ( were in the guppy tank with guppys when i bought them at the pet store) and a large algie eater. My tank readings are good according to lady at pet store: pH7.6, Amonia 0, nitries0.1, Nitrates 0.3, KH 70, GH 160. I have to go away for the weekend, but someone will be home to feed my fishies. I think my females are ready to give birth as they have been pooping all day. their bellys are very rounded and the g spot on both gets very very dark at times, darker and fuller than ever. I do not have a fry tank but it is a 10 gallon tank with lots of plants for fry to hide. My question is isthere a way to tell if they will give birth while I am away this weekend. We had a batch of fry a while back but they dies and so did my other fish as i was told to feed the fish lots so the fry would not get eatten. Well I did that and the fry did not get eaten but my Nitrite, Nitrat and Amonia levels went throught the roof. I think that is what killed almost all of my other fish. My children were devistated. I replaced them with the ones I have now and everything has been good since, so this time I am not overfeeding them, when the fry come. Thanks Bren
P.S. I also placed this in the breeding advice colum but need an answer quickly as I am leaving in a few hours.... thanks again Bren
P.P.S. Both guppies seem to be pecking as if to clean the plants alto today.. Dont know if thats what they are doing or not... lol
P.S. I also placed this in the breeding advice colum but need an answer quickly as I am leaving in a few hours.... thanks again Bren
P.P.S. Both guppies seem to be pecking as if to clean the plants alto today.. Dont know if thats what they are doing or not... lol