Not An Active Forum


Fish Gatherer
Dec 30, 2005
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Is it just me or does this seem to be the neglected part of the forum. It seems to me there aren't many people who have much knowledge on these types of fish besides the basic's. And there aren't any pinned topics either really that can help people. The only expert that I have really seen here is AMS. All the other people just seem to float in and out. You don't have very many people who dedicate there fish to this group of fish. Is it just me or do these fish seem to be a neglected species of fish. I mean they are quite popular but nobody seems to really do anything except keep them in planted tanks or community's. This is just what I seem to be noticing.

It has been a while since there was a very engaging topic here. Once things start to stagnate in a forum like this its hard to get it moving again because a lack of stuff to look at means a lack of people looking which means even increased lack of posts...
There are people who are members of this forum who are knowledgeable about particular fish that fall into the broad scope of this section of the forum. I don't think its due to a lack of experience here. Just not interesting threads lately. Maybe someone will soon start up a big project that everyone will be interested in following.
Is it just me or do these fish seem to be a neglected species of fish.


Youre right its not an active forum, but it is certainly not neglected. There are many people like The-Wolf, and Kerri Paul who have very imforamtive posts. Even I try to keep things circulating with the piranha questions.

Ill do all I can do to help, but the only fish that I seem to be knowledgable in this section are piranhas. I will try to write a few more articles on Piranhas, but there just isnt much of a demand for piranha resources.
I will be posting more and more in here as i have getting rainbows atm. But, doesnt seem to be alot of rainbow keeps in this forum or they dont speek out much anyways.
Unless there is some impetus to ask questions here, no one will do so. So either:
a) people are not asking questions, and therefore are not getting responses to nonexistent threads/questions
B ) none of us here know much about these fish
c) the people who know a lot about these fish know so much about 'em that others on here really can't help them out with problems :p
d) most people do not use the view new posts option, so they don't accidentally wander into the slwoer forums. :p
I only use the view new posts button.
thast way I can choose to open a particular thread or not and don't miss much :p
Well i am still waiting for a responce to my topic 'Dojo Loach Question' :/

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