Not again


Fish Connoisseur
Feb 21, 2004
Reaction score
Long island, New York
My jewels laid eggs again for the 4th time. They lived in a fifteen gallon with some siblings. We found the other two injured. One is dead now but the other should make it. They had a bad heater so the water was always around 70 degrees. Here on long island the temperature went up to The high seventees and started their breeding. Sad thing is I am getting rid of my jewels (no more space) but i want to raise the young. Oh well we'll see what happens. :D Any one on long island want jewel cichlids? :shifty: :p
I would like them very much. :hyper: How many and what sex? Are they full grown already?
Long Island is about 2.5 hours drive for me but I go into NYC alot. I could come by on a Sunday at the tail end of a weekend trip. Got pics of them?

If you want them then yes, take them :p I will be giving the adults away. There is atleast 5 or more. (a bunch in my dad's tank that never come out so we don't know how many) The one that got hurt is in a quarantine. The parents are 2-3 inches and the one in quarantine is a little smaller. The ones in my dads are full grown

Talk to lucky62, he's my dad.

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