Not Active Cories


Fish Addict
Sep 26, 2005
Reaction score
New York
Hello, for some reason my cories are just very inactive. Sometimes they move around, most of the time they dont. They were always like that, but i assumed they just needed some time to settle in. I have 9 of them in my 29 gallon (2 trilineatus, 2 orange lazer, 5 bronze), i figures that should be enough, but if its not, i can always add more. My water parameters are of a cycled tank, with nitrates never exceeding 35. There are no signs of sickness or disease, so im stumped. Well, the tank doesnt have many hiding spots, there are 2 coconut caves that they really enjoy, and a few plants to hide in and behind but thats it. Could that be the problem?

Any help would be appreciated.
My cories are mainly active at the following times:

1. after an algae wafer or flakes are dropped into the tank
2. in the evening - especially after the lights are off.

Otherwise, they are very quiet and hang out near the back of the tank behind the bogwood.
Thats when mine are active too, but usually i hear how everyones are always active and swimming around.
How much and how often do you feed them ? What is the water temperature ?
i feed them once a day, one cube of bloodworms for the whole tank (they do get plenty of blooworms though). I also feed brine shrimp, flakes, and some algea disks. The temperature is at 77/78*

Shoulds the temp be higher?
That "seems" a lot of very high protein food on a daily basis? Unless conditioning, most people only feed bloodworm a couple of times a week or so.

You might be overfeeding - which can seem like "lazyiness", because they don't have to forage for titbits of food through the sand or gravel. Try cutting down a bit and feed bloodworm & brine shrimp less frequently - and see if that alters their behaviour. The temperature sounds about right too.

Perhaps Inchworm has some thoughts on this too :)
Hi love_fish :)

Corys, especially young corys, can be quite active, but they do have periods where they rest. Mine seem to lay around all day and play in the evenings and into the night. They have a good life! :fun:

All my corys get some worms almost every day. Ones I am giving special attention to get live blackworms and the rest usually get the frozen bloodworms because they are better keepers and less expensive. During the summer, (which is their natural "winter" season) I often just give them some freeze dried tubifex. Petland Discounts carries the live worms and I would suggest you give them a try. If you don't know how to clean and keep them, just ask. If any get into the substrate, the corys will find them and eat them for snacks.

Your temperature is a little on the high side for the species of corys you have and that might slow them down a bit. None of them need it to be kept at temperatures higher than 75 degrees F., and they will do very well if it's even a few degrees lower. :D

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