not a typical CO2 question


Fish Addict
Apr 13, 2004
Reaction score
Toronto, ON
I'm in the process of introducing a DIY co2 system again. I was wondering if somebody could tell me whether I should still agitate the water surface if the tank is going to be heavily planted? the tank is also going to fully stocked with fish, so how should i balanced O2 and CO2 ppm concentrations in the water?
Try to keep water movement to a minimum otherwise the co2 will be lost befor it can do any good.
Fist off CO2 does not replace O2 in the water..

I need to know more about your tank to know if a heavy planted tank would do fine with just a DIY system in your tank..

The rule for CO2 is 25 -30ppm for a heavy planted tank. I have a 36 Gal tank with 2 bottles making about 2 bubbles per sec, and I can only get my CO2 to 15ppm before my PH drop below 6.3. But this is more then what I need and my tank is very well planted.

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