Normal Silicone Vs Aquarium Grade Silicone

Errr, you are not thinking of "pitch" by any chance ???
No, I recall pitch being black and needing a flame under it to melt. This was a brownish yellow solid, a bit harder than a candle, and would melt in a jug in a pan of boiling water. I recall also the black sealer that came in a tube.

Hykro used to make a lot of stuff for the trade, my ugf plates were hykro for example, and my first external filter, (air operated).
as for people with RO units, not being shy with their money. i guess they can afford to be, as they are pi$$ing everybody else's water down the drain, for what is often no more than a perceived return. salt water, discus keepers and the like, excluded.
You have no idea what you are talking about. People with RO units have them because they know what they are doing. They are using water they have paid for, not anyone elses, and you assume everyone flushes the bypass water which is naive in the extreme.
a reasonable brain
Lol, although you have to admit boboboy's first post was a very good read lol (Quite egotistically written, but still i loved it). I didnt understand about the RO either.

I'll have to get my dad to get some silicone when he goes down to a caravan shop.
You have no idea what you are talking about. People with RO units have them because they know what they are doing. They are using water they have paid for, not anyone elses, and you assume everyone flushes the bypass water which is naive in the extreme.
a reasonable brain

oh dear, bit touchy arnt we?
i do indeed know when and how Ro water is used and made. a search on you own forum will result in many post by people, ether using or thinking of using RO. often with on reason other than thinking clean water from these filters is some sort of benefit to freshwater keepers. lol even though RO water itself would over a period of time be very bad for the fish, unless it is cut with tapwater. good god even the us navy dont allow the use of RO for crew consumption!! and they invented the system to recycle the water used in submarines! as i said there are some freshwater fish that may need RO, and i can see its use in saltwater. however it is vastly wasteful of water, 5 to1. even if you water your garden with it, it is still wasted water!!!! in the UK most people pay a single amount for their water, however much they use. at a time if water shortages and climate change waste like this is next to criminal imo. why should we not be able to use hose pipes to water the garden, yet RO users can wast so much? given a water meter perhaps it would be fairer. but still no less wasteful!

if we are to be silly perhaps you should grow up whilst i look for a reasonable brain! whatever made you think that attacking my intelligence was called for in answer to my post???? most other members choose to argue their case, instead of getting personal. a much better way imo.
Lol, although you have to admit boboboy's first post was a very good read lol (Quite egotistically written, but still i loved it). I didnt understand about the RO either.

I'll have to get my dad to get some silicone when he goes down to a caravan shop.

ok RO water is a result of passing water through fine membrains. the result is almost pure H2O, almost but not quite. the unit removes just about everything, so all, or most minerals and metals, from the water even those that are needed for life. oddly the water is quite acid, when you would think it should be neutral!

using RO water alone, causes many problems. wild swings in ph can be caused just by adding food, or sometimes deccor! as the buffer in the water that stops this is removed by RO systems. so "cutting the RO with tap water is the norm. though some very sensitive fish, require you to make a mix of chemicals and minerals to be added to pure RO water. the same is true of salt-water systems.

as a basis for a normal fresh water tank, RO would cause many problems, however using it to top up, or for small 30% water changes, could well be a good idea.

hope that helps you in understanding RO, a bit better. honestly a good old google will fill in any gaps i have left. but on the other hand i dont know what im talking about!!!! lol
The "reasonable brain" comment I used was in fact a direct quote from your post. The fact you have edited the post to remove the remark does not alter the fact.

Perhaps if you find a comment like that offensive, you should refrain from throwing them at others?

I lived in the UK for 40+ years. I moved from fixed water rates to a meter because it saved me a lot of money to do so. What I do with MY water after it has past throught the meter is my business. In water shortage times, it is not permissable to use a hose, so people fill cans and water with those, unless you have a dispensation, like the local councils, like sports venues, like golf courses etc.

The problem with water supplies in the UK are largely due to lack of investment in infrastructure when the water industry was in public ownership, and the requrement to supply dividends to shareholders since privatisation. They are not due to climate change or RO units.
The problem with water supplies in the UK are largely due to lack of investment in infrastructure when the water industry was in public ownership, and the requrement to supply dividends to shareholders since privatisation. They are not due to climate change or RO units.

Afraid thats fair comment ! Now, politics aside - can we get back to this peaceful hobby please ? :blink:
The "reasonable brain" comment I used was in fact a direct quote from your post. The fact you have edited the post to remove the remark does not alter the fact.

Perhaps if you find a comment like that offensive, you should refrain from throwing them at others?

I lived in the UK for 40+ years. I moved from fixed water rates to a meter because it saved me a lot of money to do so. What I do with MY water after it has past throught the meter is my business. In water shortage times, it is not permissable to use a hose, so people fill cans and water with those, unless you have a dispensation, like the local councils, like sports venues, like golf courses etc.

The problem with water supplies in the UK are largely due to lack of investment in infrastructure when the water industry was in public ownership, and the requrement to supply dividends to shareholders since privatisation. They are not due to climate change or RO units.

to answer the first paragraph!
as far as i can tell, apart from stating my beliefs on the wasteful nature of RO water,and some of its users i made no offensive, or comment that could be perceived as offensive, until the post after your personal attack!!! the "two eyes and a reasonable brain" comment, unless you are particularly insecure, could not be read as any form of attack, on any one. you must get your facts right, at no point did i edit any post to remove anything. you may not like my feelings about RO and some of it users. but i like anyone i am entitled to my view, unless as a mod you can revoke my right to air my views, just because you don't like them?

to answer your second point!
i am not sure if you flout a reasonable restriction, by filling cans from the mains, however i do not and would not, restricting myself to rain and bath water to quench my, admittedly small garden.

to answer the third comment!
you are quite right, however, wasteful use of what supply's we have, cannot be be justified, on the basis that someone else uses more! imo. and to say that the lack of water in the UK is mainly down to privatised business, is, well just plain daft. a simple look at the rainfall stats over the passed few years will confirm, that rain fall is well down, and where rainfall has kept up, the dryness of the ground has made run off an major problem in the uk, leading to much more water running straight into the rivers and drains, resulting in less water collected in the water company's reserves.
that said i feel very strongly that the water company's should be held to account for their race for profit over service standard, in that at least we agree!

i am interested to note you did not refer to my lack on knowledge on RO! why was that? could it be anything to do with the fact you were incorrect, in that respect? posts on RO by both mods and respected members, have covered the problems, or potential problems, of using pure RO in fresh water systems. and i have read an absorbed, several lengthy and informative posts by bignose,( i believe). whilst some of it was way over my head, the basic mechanics of the problem are, for me at least, understandable.
You pays your money and you takes your choice.

Of course you do... thats life, but this IS a DIY forum, you may as well say dont build a hood in case there are prevervatives in the wood, or best to buy your water from a fish shop... where IS the line ?

I suppose the golden answer is, if you are unsure then dont do it, but to be fair - dont ask for help in DIY either if you are uneasy with the responses you receive.
My local fish shops ALL buy from non aquarium suppliers for some stuff (substrate is a good example) which they then fleece the customers with.
I have been using this alternative stuff for 40 years without issue, its a matter of self confidence and research.

wow! getting nasty...but then after this, whats going on? its like a couple of kids fighting over who is right and who is wrong. no offence intended to lateral line but boboboy??? when did a friendly, peaceful forum intended to help and teach people, become a place of bickering and put bluntly, crap!!!

ok, someone likes RO, the other person doesnt. brilliant. gods goal was met and that was to have people who were different in many ways so as not to have a boring existence.

agree to disagree and get on with the damn post. how did it go from aquarium silicone to a cock fight about RO?? boboboy get over yourself and leave it be. as i think everyone should do...shut it if you dont have anything to contribute to the post. if you have a problem with someone pm them. we're adults here i think so how about act as such

so i guess ill be crucified now but i dont care. i am so sick of dealing with immature, aggressive posts. i dont wake up in the morning, turn on my computer and sit down to read an argument. i sit down to read about FISH!!!!!!!!! and caring for them of course. keep it to yourself

I personally use only things in or on my tank that are only "aquarium safe". I don't tend to wander into home depot and use household items on my tanks. Too many chemicals out their that people don't see because of the stupid lables. :angry:
As Bowman said, this thread was worth reading just to see the word `Hykro' again. They made decent + interesting stuff for a teenage hobbyist like myself, back then. Wonder if there is a company one could consider a counterpart today.
You pays your money and you takes your choice.

Of course you do... thats life, but this IS a DIY forum, you may as well say dont build a hood in case there are prevervatives in the wood, or best to buy your water from a fish shop... where IS the line ?

I suppose the golden answer is, if you are unsure then dont do it, but to be fair - dont ask for help in DIY either if you are uneasy with the responses you receive.
My local fish shops ALL buy from non aquarium suppliers for some stuff (substrate is a good example) which they then fleece the customers with.
I have been using this alternative stuff for 40 years without issue, its a matter of self confidence and research.

wow! getting nasty...but then after this, whats going on? its like a couple of kids fighting over who is right and who is wrong. no offence intended to lateral line but boboboy??? when did a friendly, peaceful forum intended to help and teach people, become a place of bickering and put bluntly, crap!!!

ok, someone likes RO, the other person doesnt. brilliant. gods goal was met and that was to have people who were different in many ways so as not to have a boring existence.

agree to disagree and get on with the damn post. how did it go from aquarium silicone to a cock fight about RO?? boboboy get over yourself and leave it be. as i think everyone should do...shut it if you dont have anything to contribute to the post. if you have a problem with someone pm them. we're adults here i think so how about act as such

so i guess ill be crucified now but i dont care. i am so sick of dealing with immature, aggressive posts. i dont wake up in the morning, turn on my computer and sit down to read an argument. i sit down to read about FISH!!!!!!!!! and caring for them of course. keep it to yourself

"dealing with immature posts"????? must have missed your mod status!
i thank you for your direction on this, but will ignore it if that's ok with you. true its sad that personal attacks were made, however, if even one person thinks more about any of the points made in this thread, it will have been worth it. im sorry its not to your taste, but never mind. perhaps you should avoid getting involved if it upsets you so much. and i am far from convinced that you have the backing or the right to tell people how they should post on this forum. state you opinion by all means, but leave the directions on how and when to post to those who have the right to make them.

i still feel if you look around and do some real research you can find most things sold as aquarium safe, from another cheaper, and often better supplier or shop!

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