The "reasonable brain" comment I used was in fact a direct quote from your post. The fact you have edited the post to remove the remark does not alter the fact.
Perhaps if you find a comment like that offensive, you should refrain from throwing them at others?
I lived in the UK for 40+ years. I moved from fixed water rates to a meter because it saved me a lot of money to do so. What I do with MY water after it has past throught the meter is my business. In water shortage times, it is not permissable to use a hose, so people fill cans and water with those, unless you have a dispensation, like the local councils, like sports venues, like golf courses etc.
The problem with water supplies in the UK are largely due to lack of investment in infrastructure when the water industry was in public ownership, and the requrement to supply dividends to shareholders since privatisation. They are not due to climate change or RO units.
to answer the first paragraph!
as far as i can tell, apart from stating my beliefs on the wasteful nature of RO water,and some of its users i made no offensive, or comment that could be perceived as offensive, until the post after your personal attack!!! the "two eyes and a reasonable brain" comment, unless you are particularly insecure, could not be read as any form of attack, on any one. you must get your facts right, at no point did i edit any post to remove anything. you may not like my feelings about RO and some of it users. but i like anyone i am entitled to my view, unless as a mod you can revoke my right to air my views, just because you don't like them?
to answer your second point!
i am not sure if you flout a reasonable restriction, by filling cans from the mains, however i do not and would not, restricting myself to rain and bath water to quench my, admittedly small garden.
to answer the third comment!
you are quite right, however, wasteful use of what supply's we have, cannot be be justified, on the basis that someone else uses more! imo. and to say that the lack of water in the UK is mainly down to privatised business, is, well just plain daft. a simple look at the rainfall stats over the passed few years will confirm, that rain fall is well down, and where rainfall has kept up, the dryness of the ground has made run off an major problem in the uk, leading to much more water running straight into the rivers and drains, resulting in less water collected in the water company's reserves.
that said i feel very strongly that the water company's should be held to account for their race for profit over service standard, in that at least we agree!
i am interested to note you did not refer to my lack on knowledge on RO! why was that? could it be anything to do with the fact you were incorrect, in that respect? posts on RO by both mods and respected members, have covered the problems, or potential problems, of using pure RO in fresh water systems. and i have read an absorbed, several lengthy and informative posts by bignose,( i believe). whilst some of it was way over my head, the basic mechanics of the problem are, for me at least, understandable.