Normal Oto Behaviour?


Fish Fanatic
Jun 14, 2006
Reaction score
Midlands, UK
I've had three otos for 6 days in my 10g tank.

Two seem just content to graze on any surface they can see algae on, but the third is a bit different.

He spends more time swimming and less time eating. Also occasionally he will swim at the surface near the glass and then do a backflip so he's upside down mouthing at the surface of the water. I've noticed this most at feeding time. The action is definitely deliberate - he swims normally most of the time.

I put a blanched spinach leaf in for them last night but there is still plenty of algae to go round and it hasn't been touched.

Is he just getting at bits of food to small for me to see, or should I worry (More than I am at the moment). -_-

Other occupants 5 white clouds, 5 zebra danios.

Stats Ammonia 0, Nitrite 0, Nitrate ~40. Thermostat set at 72 but it's warmer than that at the moment.
One of my two Otos did frantic backflips on a new piece of wood. I thought the wood must have some substance that was no godd, so I took it out. The Oto still does backflips, elsewhere, even on plant leaves. I conclude that he's just wierd! Cute, though! :D

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