Normal Behavior?!?!?!?!?


New Member
Jan 9, 2006
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England, Portsmouth
i have my very first betta a purple with red on his fins and was wondering if its normal for them to "rest" i have a termoitor in the tank and he sometimes just sits on top of it wodering if its normal or if i have a lazy betta :lol:
perhaps he is just settling in..if you have only had him a couple of days he will still be getting used to his new long as his water is ok and he is eating I shouldnt worry. We need to see a piccie though! :drool:
Mine often rests on top of his hollow fake rock, i think because it's near the surface so he doesn't have to go far to breathe :p such a lazy guy. Sometimes he lays around on top of plants too.

So yes, I think it's normal.
my betta rests on my algea scraper at the top of my tank (near the surface) i just think some bettas are lazy its quit hard work draging them large beautiful tails around
It is perfectly normal, the bettas fins are heavy and therefore they need to rest. They usually like to rest in places at the top of the tank, so they don't have to go far to gain oxygen. My betta stayed on my heater all the time, but since I turned my heater up to 80F he swims around like a new fish, it could just be that your tank isn't heated well enough. I also recommend you to get some silk plants, these add colour and emphasis to your tank, bettas also love them. They can rest in them and swim through them and even hide in them, which they find great! My betta has totally become a new fish and looks much healthier since I added my plants and turned up my heater. :nod:
Neal I see you are in uk... bit nippy at the moment ...what have you got heaters set at? and where do you get silk plants from havent seen any round here! Only plastic ones and I am afraid they will hurt their fins!

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