
Fish Addict
Dec 31, 2004
Reaction score
"Why Utah?!"
The new females I got in the mail today are doing so poorly. I got 5. Three I'm acclimating right, putting in just a little tank water every 30 min. The other two I just plopped in there after acclimating similarly for an hour. The two are fine and all swimming, but the ones I'm doing everything right with look like they're going to die. They S up and list to the side, or sit in the water vertically. What should I do?!
what symptoms
How long have they been in the post
what are your water perms
what temp is the water
I already said, "They S up and list to the side, or sit in the water vertically." I've been at this three hours at 80 degrees.
just leave them alone now and let them warm up sound as if they have a chill if i honest they will go either way but in most cases they pull through so just give there system time to get over the shock...... :unsure: :unsure: :unsure:

edit are there any signes of life if there is then they will hopefully pull through,,,,, :rolleyes:
How long have they been in the mail?

I ask because i ordered bettas myself a few months ago and they got lost for 5 days instead of overnight shipping!!!

The 3 of them looked very poorly when i openned up the bag but i gave them clean water over 5-6 hours and finally released them in their respective tanks.

a male and the female were doing good by the next day but the 2nd male looked as if he was dying. Hw had clamped fins and didn't eat for a week.

After a week, they were all looking very good and they are still healthy now!
I hope so. One of the females lays motionless on her side now. They had a heat pack, and were supposed to have arrived yesterday, but got here today instead. It's been four days that they were in the mail.

I don't want them to die. *Whimpers*

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