Fish Aficionado
Just went to feed my 125g tank and noticed that the royal pleco was on the substrate. Didn't think much of it until I put the food in to the tank, and it didn't move. Not even when the larger pleco came by and started to push it around to get at the food.
So I took a turkey baster I use to spot feed, and nudged the pleco, and nothing. It didn't even try to swim away when I got near and it let me tip it over on to its back!
It's breathing pretty quickly and shallow. Nothing looks physically wrong with it.
It seemed to be perfectly fine this morning and I know it was fine yesterday b/c it ate when I fed the tank.
What could be wrong?
There's plenty of wood in the tank. Mopani, some other piece of bogwood that's a bit softer, and I just put in 2 pieces of chola wood as well.
I feed the tank bloodworms, brine shrimp daily (have a BGK that won't eat anything else), flakes about every 2-3 days, and 2 large halves of zucchini once or twice a week depending on how quickly they get eaten.
Water parameters are just fine. No ammonia, no nitrites, and nitrates are low. pH seems to have dropped just slightly, but nothing dramatic.
I moved the pleco to a different tank so I could keep a better eye on it. It just floated down to the bottom and landed on its back. I moved it to rest on its stomach again and it hasn't moved.
I can still see it breathing and moving its eyes so I know it is still alive, but... sigh. Probably not for long.
What could've gone wrong?
Thinking maybe it wasn't getting enough food or the right kind of food? I always made sure to get food to where it was at, and saw it eating, but *shrugs*
I dunno. Just upset that it's probably not going to make it
So I took a turkey baster I use to spot feed, and nudged the pleco, and nothing. It didn't even try to swim away when I got near and it let me tip it over on to its back!
It's breathing pretty quickly and shallow. Nothing looks physically wrong with it.
It seemed to be perfectly fine this morning and I know it was fine yesterday b/c it ate when I fed the tank.
What could be wrong?
There's plenty of wood in the tank. Mopani, some other piece of bogwood that's a bit softer, and I just put in 2 pieces of chola wood as well.
I feed the tank bloodworms, brine shrimp daily (have a BGK that won't eat anything else), flakes about every 2-3 days, and 2 large halves of zucchini once or twice a week depending on how quickly they get eaten.
Water parameters are just fine. No ammonia, no nitrites, and nitrates are low. pH seems to have dropped just slightly, but nothing dramatic.
I moved the pleco to a different tank so I could keep a better eye on it. It just floated down to the bottom and landed on its back. I moved it to rest on its stomach again and it hasn't moved.
I can still see it breathing and moving its eyes so I know it is still alive, but... sigh. Probably not for long.
What could've gone wrong?
Thinking maybe it wasn't getting enough food or the right kind of food? I always made sure to get food to where it was at, and saw it eating, but *shrugs*
I dunno. Just upset that it's probably not going to make it