Noob Mistake - Need Advise


Fish Fanatic
May 28, 2008
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Well... I first got into aquariums 2 years ago and last week, I realized a mistake that I have made. I bought a common pleco thinking it was a BN Pleco. It is only 5" in size but will quickly out grow my 55 gallon tank. I am looking at selling him to one of my LFS and getting another algae eater. I was looking at Oto's but am not sure how many would be a good grouping for my tank as it is relatively low stocked right now and will be getting some plants in a week or 2. I will be getting some Angel's in 2-3 months, after the tank has plants in it. I have also read up on Oto's at and it did not give a grouping size. Any information would be helpful and also any other suggestions would be nice too. I would like to stay on the smaller side of fish as my largest fish in my tank right now are my loaches.
After 2 years its only 5" ? I thought commons were fast growers?

Have you had someone ID your plec.

Maybe post up a picture?
It could be larger but from all of the pictures I have seen on, it looks like a common pleco. I also bought it from petsmart so go figure. I will try to get my digital camera working again and post some pics, if I can find the adapter for the memory card.
are you sure its not a female bristlenose as they sometimes dont have any bristles, and ive seen commons get to 5 inchs in months.

get us a pic and i sure we will be able to tell you definatly what it is.


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