None Shrimp Aquarium Environment


Fish Crazy
Mar 22, 2007
Reaction score
Toronto, Canada
Hi guys,

hope u can help me. I want to setup a new tank but it must be a none-shrimp environment.
My wife wants to have just corals but I want to have some fish in there. So my question is - what kind of a fish if any can I have and not to feed them shrimp or meaty food. Maybe some times, ones a week for example I can feed them frozen mysis, but thats it, other time it should be vegetarian food only.

Thanks for your help.
Thats a really interesting question and not one I have ever thought about before:
What fish do you keep if you are a Vegetarian?

Well, the answer would be Tangs, dwarf angels and some blennies :good:

But you haven't told us your intended tank size and that will make a lot of difference.

If you are going for a nano, anything under 30 gallons, then you will be restricted to a dwarf angel and a blenny,

Lawnmower Blenny (Salarias fasciatus)
Segmented Sailfin Blenny (Salarias segmentatus)
Starry Blenny (Salarias ramosus)
Black Sailfin Blenny (Atrosalarias fuscus)

Anyway, let us know how big your tank will be and we will give you ideas for stocking - but I think you are right, a couple of fish, some interesting snails and lots of lovely corals, although you will have to stick with ones that produce their own algae from light (there are loads).

Sounds like a fasinating project - can I ask you a favour, would you start a journel in the marine journel section, I think many people would be interested in watching your journey, I can't ever remember us having someone setting up a tank like yours, woo hoo.......................

Seffie x
Thats a really interesting question and not one I have ever thought about before:
What fish do you keep if you are a Vegetarian?

Well, the answer would be Tangs, dwarf angels and some blennies :good:

But you haven't told us your intended tank size and that will make a lot of difference.

If you are going for a nano, anything under 30 gallons, then you will be restricted to a dwarf angel and a blenny,

Lawnmower Blenny (Salarias fasciatus)
Segmented Sailfin Blenny (Salarias segmentatus)
Starry Blenny (Salarias ramosus)
Black Sailfin Blenny (Atrosalarias fuscus)

Anyway, let us know how big your tank will be and we will give you ideas for stocking - but I think you are right, a couple of fish, some interesting snails and lots of lovely corals, although you will have to stick with ones that produce their own algae from light (there are loads).

Sounds like a fasinating project - can I ask you a favour, would you start a journel in the marine journel section, I think many people would be interested in watching your journey, I can't ever remember us having someone setting up a tank like yours, woo hoo.......................

Seffie x

Thanks for your great reply, I will 100% start journal this time. This forum thought me many things in the past when I started my 28gal 2 years ago.
And I did not keep journal that time.
The new tank I can get will be corner tank the biggest I could find was 75 gal but I will try to get something about 90gal.
I dont want to stock to many fish, main goal are corals but I want to try to get my favorite guys, like blue or hippo tangs, yellow tangs some angels.

The main reason I want to avoid anything with the shrimp-kind is because of the allergy issue in my family.

By the way you can find my latest pics of my current tank in the Members Photo Gallery I just posted them.

Please let me know if it will be possible to keep that fish on a none meaty food.

Thank you

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