Non Fish Resident


Fish Fanatic
Jun 9, 2012
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Any ideas for a new interesting non fish resident for my freshwater set up?
Currently have 3 x angelfish, 5 x lake kutubu Rainbow fish, 10 x Zebra Danio and 1 X Red tail shark (and soon to get  a BN Pleco)
I also have 5 x amano shrimp.
Just after anyone's  ideas or opinions. Is there anything a bit different out there?
Something unusual and interesting .
I am struggling but sure with all the knowledge on here there should be quite a list (hopefully)
How big is the tank you currently have?
There's various kinds of snails available - I quite like zebra snails, not that I've got any, as I keep assassins instead.
You don't want any shrimp that are smaller than amanos, as they will get eaten, and you don't want anything with claws, as they will shred the fins of anything stupid enough to get close.
Frogs might work, but you need to make sure they get their fair share of food, as they are often outcompeted by fish, especially boisterous ones like angels and RTBS.
Current tank is a Roma 240 if that helps. Thankyou

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