Nominations For May 2011 Pet Of The Month Comp

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Ludwig Venter

Retired Moderator
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Jun 7, 2008
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South Africa
Nominations for the May 2011 POTM competition starts today and closes on 14th May 2011... Only those photos nominated and seconded in one of the topics qualifies for this thread.

Once your pics placed in any topic are nominated and seconded by other members, you may move the pic over to this thread with a link to the topic where the picture was nominated and the pet's name.... Good luck to all.....

Morris the Hamster! Named as we were driving home, and passed Morrisons!

This is Tari (short for Nefertari, Egyptian Queen) our Pharaoh Hound.

I've been nominated a second time :p

Come on!!!..... Nominations are closing soon and we have only 3 (beautiful) entries for May??.... I would really like for the competitions to continue here on TFF.....

Due to the poor responses and participation, (all) competitions on TFF are currently under discussion..... Prove us wrong!!!.... let's have a record number of entries and votes for (all competitions) in May 2011.....
Shelaghfishface's rabbit Gordon..... Nominated and seconded in this thread:

I don't get the nomination thing? I'd like to enter my Cookie but how?
You see Marie..... for instance, there where you replied to lilgurlgreens' post about the sunbathing doggy..... if you posted a photo of your Cookie, then one of the other of the other members also reading the post sees your photo and likes it, then they can nominate your pic for the POTM competition...... then yet another member must come along, and if he/she also likes your Cookie.... they may second the nomination and only then may you move a pic of Cookie to this post as a nominated POTM entry, with a link to the post where the nomination and seconding was done.

I hope you understand, if not,I'll try to explain again......
I get it now thanks. I've posted pics of my dogs so I hope I get some nominations.
How come it doesn't run for the whole month and then we vote at the end?

I love your hamster Rorie I used to have one who looked exactly the same called Boobah
How come it doesn't run for the whole month and then we vote at the end?

I love your hamster Rorie I used to have one who looked exactly the same called Boobah
Actually, Marie.... the nominating runs for a whole month..... from (more or less) the 14th/15th of each month to the 14th/15th of the next month.... The voting however starts on the 14th/15th and then ends at the end of the current month...... for more info on the competition and how it works..... read the rules for the POTM competition in the pinned section of household pets.
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