Nomal Sterbai Behavior?


Fish Fanatic
Feb 28, 2011
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today i bought 2 sterbai corys and they are acting really stangely :/
they often swim on their sides and upside down. they float on their backs at the top of the tank for minutes, as if playing dead, but then swim off as normal. I just wondered if this was normal? a cause for concern? my other corys have never done this so didnt know if it was a sterbai thing?
Oh that's definitely NOT normal. Test your water and get ready to do some water changes! How did you introduce them to your tank?
Oh that's definitely NOT normal. Test your water and get ready to do some water changes! How did you introduce them to your tank?

I don'thave a quarentene tank so they went in bagged up from lfs. I did introduce them over about 40 minutes floating bag then ketting n a bit if tank water etc.

I've watched them all this morning though and they are acting totally normal :/ very strange. My guess is that they weren't used to my strong-ish filter flow or something?
Oh that's definitely NOT normal. Test your water and get ready to do some water changes! How did you introduce them to your tank?

I don'thave a quarentene tank so they went in bagged up from lfs. I did introduce them over about 40 minutes floating bag then ketting n a bit if tank water etc.

I've watched them all this morning though and they are acting totally normal :/ very strange. My guess is that they weren't used to my strong-ish filter flow or something?

Ok, well that's good, I have no idea why they were doing that. I've seen my catfish swim upside down, but only when they were browsing under a plant leaf for food. So, I'm guessing that your water parameters are all good then? Hopefully they are alright now.

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