Noisy Rena Xp4


Jun 26, 2007
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As the title really :unsure: I have a rena xp3 and xp4 on my tank. The 3 is fine but the 4 is so damn noisy!!!! I've tried everything I can think of quieten it down but to no avail.

I have cleaned it all in case there is sand in its workings - nope. Made sure all the baskets fit perfectly - yep. Put it on polystyrene. Nothing is making any difference. Any one got any ideas - except by an Eheim :rolleyes:
Is it a rattle, hum or gurgeling noise? Ratteling means you need to look at the impeller area, hum means the motor is under increased stress, or the filter needs insulating agains noise. Gugeling means an air-leak somewhere :good:

TFT Rabbut

Its a hum - and quite a loud one!! What could be causing the increased stress any ideas??? All the pipes are clear. Too much media maybe - I have 4 sponges in it and some ceramic tubes - but not a lot :unsure:

how do I insulate against noise - I have no idea :blush:
Can you post pics of the media in the baskets, the impeller well and the impeller itself? It could be the impeller is on its way out, or the impeller shaft, or it could be overloaded with media. Pics of the rubber feet could also show if damage to them is caursing the humming :nod: The rubber bearings could also be at fault....

Noise insulation can come from foam, polestirine or anything cushoning, being wrapped arounfd the filter and taped into place. This dampens the niose and can help reduce your noise levels.

TBH, without looking at it myself, or at least photos of it, I couldn't put my finger on the caurse :no:

Ok - tomorrow is tank maintenance day - so I will get pics then

Thanks for all your help Rabbut :good:
Think I have found the problem. The impellar spindle is ever so slightly bent, also the impellar itself is very deeply scratched - think sand has got into it, and the impeller chamber is very scratched on one side :angry:

Are the impellers/motors the same on all the xp models?? The reason I ask I have a spare motor housing in the loft and could quite easily swap them over as long as the motor from an XP3 will run and XP4 :unsure:

Any ideas about that anyone?????
Not 100% but I think the motor heads are different, and the impellers deffinately are. The XP3 head and impeller will work on the XP4, but you will only get the flow of the XP3. If the noise is realy irritating, you could swap the heads untill you get replacements for them :nod: TBH, the scratches in the impeller well IME won't caurse issues unless they are deap enough to allow water into the mains voltage coils. I'd replace the impeller and impeller shaft. It may also be worth fitting new bearings and the impeller chamber seal ring (the one that stops water by-passing the media that probibly allowed the sand in in the first place :rolleyes: )


If the impellor chamber is very scratched, you can get what is called 'cavitation'. It's the noise that is made when pushing the water through the impellor housing. If you make the waters path rough, then noise will result. Rena Xp's are not normally noisy. If you have found that the shaft is bent then I guess it's a new one. Still loved mine for ease of use. Great filter.


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