Noisy filter


Fish Herder
Jan 30, 2004
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Hi I posted the same topic on the chit chat forum, but no response so here it is again...I just purchased a rena filstar xp2 filter last night and already installed. the problem i have is the noise factor. the filter itself isn't loud or anything but the outlet pipe spray bar is creating a high pitch humming noise that is quite annoying and if you touch the pipe you could feel a strong vibration. I thought that the rena is one of the most quiet filters outthere, but i'm not sure if this is normal or if i have a defective filter. I read the manual a bunch of times and I'm sure that i've installed it correctly. Can somebody tell me why this is happening....I wanna hear from other people whos uses the same product....thanks...
I don't know much about canister filters but I've heard that noise can come from there being some air in the filter.
could be the impeller - take it out and "wiggle" it, if there is any movement between the shaft and the fins it will rattle.
IT could also be sonic noise from a vibration. Check to make sure your return is not binding against anything.

I agree with starorbs. Filters with air inside do make a huge noise, try submerging it totally underwater to remove any air form inside it. Hope we could help ;)
Hiya all!

My Rena will only shut up fully, if, after I clean it, I tilt it over slightly, to release the air in the top of the pump body. I think you will also find that cutting down your spare remaining hose, and using two short lengths of it underneath the pump, as mini 'shock sausages' will help a lot. My Rena is a little noisy, but nowhere near as noisy as the original powerhead!

Interestingly, my Rena seems to have become quieter as it has 'furred up'. Another idea maybe, would be to enlarge the holes in the spraybar a little. You may just have a 'chirrup' from the holes. Oh, and if there is air stuck in the top of the spraybar, that will rattle around too.

Hope this helps...

sub.42 said:
Hiya all!

My Rena will only shut up fully, if, after I clean it, I tilt it over slightly, to release the air in the top of the pump body. I think you will also find that cutting down your spare remaining hose, and using two short lengths of it underneath the pump, as mini 'shock sausages' will help a lot. My Rena is a little noisy, but nowhere near as noisy as the original powerhead!

Interestingly, my Rena seems to have become quieter as it has 'furred up'. Another idea maybe, would be to enlarge the holes in the spraybar a little. You may just have a 'chirrup' from the holes. Oh, and if there is air stuck in the top of the spraybar, that will rattle around too.

Hope this helps...

I agree with sub. Traped air is the common cause of noise filters :-(
Regarding the Rena filter.
I have a noisy one too. After talking with the tech, I was able to get rid of the whistle by reducing the flow rate.--up by the spray bar.
I still feel the motor is louder than I was told, there is some vibration, I am going to try the hose under the unit, we were looking for styrofoam.

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